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 Good morning. 

Kamala Harris received zero votes or delegates and was *chosen* as the Democratic Party nominee by the current government overlords instead. 

Have a great day. 
 GM James 
 Hey man what you got against democracy!? /s 
 I'm not from the US so I have to ask. Is it illegal? 
 It was perfectly legal and with near perfect consensus, including with Joe Biden’s endorsement and support.  The two parties have always  finalized their nominees at their conventions. 
 Exactly what I thought. I had the feeling that this was only an inflammatory note in a Twitter style but it's better to ask. 
 Yes, the Constitution only speaks to general elections.  Parties choose their nominees according to their own rules, whether Trumpers like it or not. 
 In short: no, it is not illegal.

The OP note is a little incomplete. Biden earned the vast majority of the delegate votes from the primaries (i.e., the public).  But, the subsequent delegate vote didn't actually take place until the convention - after Biden dropped out and endorsed Harris as his replacement.  So, unsurprisingly, instead of casting those delegate votes that were earned via the primaries for Biden, they were cast for Harris.

I think part of the point of the OP is that the public has effectively been disenfranchised from their votes in the primaries; and, I agree that's a shame.  It's not an ideal situation that Biden and his supporters (including Harris) left the party with.  But, as long as the party follows its own rules for resolving it, legally, that's all that matters.  FWIW, some other parties don't even participate in the primary process for input from the public when choosing their nominee... they just have delegates vote. 
 Did that violate some law or the constitution? 
 No, but when has that stopped them? The constitution is just a piece of paper that’s becoming more irrelevant. The 2nd amendment is the only one they (secretly) respect.  The problem with this Kamala is that she has absolutely nothing to earn her nomination. It’s all about convenience and expediency.  But the faster this all burns down, the better 
 The important thing is that Trump now defnitly has no chance. He struggeled with the oldest candidate in History. But beside a okish democrat he shows of what he is capable off. Besides inventing stories and save taxes for the richest this is not much. 
 Were you replying to me or someone else?? 
 No.  The Constitution only refers to the general election.  Parties choose their candidates according to their rules, whether Trumpers like it or not. 
 I've voted D for President more than I have R and I think it was a sham. She was completely wiped off the stage last cycle and now she is the best they've got to replace Biden? 

Sorry, this isn't about Trumpers. This is about a failed party. 

I'd be voting D this cycle probably for everyone except her and Newsome. They could have had Tulsi, RFK, Bernie, Bloomberg, Buttigieg from last cycle that would all be eons better. They have people like Shapiro, Beshear, Cooper and others in the party that can actually formulate coherent sentences. 

But yes, let's misdirect and say this is a Trumper thing. All the DNC has done in recent years is made me likely vote for someone who I think is an abysmal human being. Hats off to 'em. 
 “Wiped off the stage.”  You mean like she did to Trump in their debate?

Too bad you hate her so much that you’ll be voting for the convicted, pro-Putin con man who is running to avoid prison.  You get to live with your choice.

The whole Democratic party wisely unified quickly behind Harris, avoiding a messy convention squabble, because as everyone knows, this election is only about one thing:  Stopping Trump.  

ANYONE but Trump.  Everything else is secondary noise. 
 I don't hate her. I hate her policies and what the party has become. They've pushed me and many like me out. 

Like your last statement, I feel the same way about the DNC and where they have hijacked and steered the party. Maybe one day common sense will return. 

Have a good one. 
 Read The Secrets Of The Federal Reserve by Eustace Mullins, James. 
 How very true, also hid Biden’s condition as did the media and this is someone who wants our trust. 
 The left is worried about “our democracy” though James.  A Coup?  You gotta do what you gotta do.  Right? 😂

Whenever I hear the left talk about “threats to democracy” insert “threats to our current elitist way of life”. 
 Not cool 
 Yeah.  I didn’t peg James Lavish as a Don the Con type.  Oh well. 
 fact checkers are reporting that this is true 
 “The Coronation” Ray Dalio 
 International rules based order disliked this note 
 I’m so tired of our politics.