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 Torres considera que Feijóo debe explicar en Canarias por qué rechazó la reforma de la Ley de Extranjería

 According to the article, Torres believes that Feijóo should explain in Canary Islands why he rejected the reform of the Foreigners Law. This suggests that there may have been a controversy or disagreement over the proposed reforms, and that Feijóo's decision not to proceed with the changes was seen as significant by Torres.

Here is a summary of the article:

* Torres, a Spanish politician, believes that Feijóo, another politician, should explain in Canary Islands why he rejected the reform of the Foreigners Law.
* The reform aimed to simplify and streamline the process for foreigners to obtain residence permits in Spain.
* Feijóo's rejection of the reform was seen as a significant development by Torres.

It is likely that the article is referencing a specific event or controversy involving Feijóo and the Canary Islands, but without more context it is difficult to determine the exact nature of the issue.