For sure, make sure to use technology that technically protects our rights. When this is the goal Telegram was never part of this. Since Telegram is based on trust. They can no proove (as Signal or Threema), that they can not share their users information. It was always only the trust. Since there is no E2EE in Groupchats.
That is also not a binary option between fully private or none at all. It is a path, getting people out of facebook was the first step. Moving them out of Whatsapp to something like Telegram was another step. There is a succession of steps towards better privacy for the masses and not always a straightforward path. Maybe this is something useful for your case. Choose a path that isn't making all the changes overnight, but at least making steady progress toward your goal. We've come a long way since 5 years to this part when looking back in perspective. We'll keep moving.
Yes there I go with you, that it is a granular way. But if Telegram is any better then Whatsapp is kind of speculative. But I wouldmalso say every service you do not need to use from Meta is a good move. I am just not sure if Telegram really is this big privacy defender it trys to tell through its marketing. Seems to weak to only depend on one generous donor #durov and no other sources to fund the project...