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 Why June 25? 
 it's a celestial event that is mentioned in the Vishnu Purana

When the practices taught by the Vedas and the institutes of law shall nearly have ceased, and the close of the Kali age shall be nigh, a portion of that divine being who exists of his own spiritual nature in the character of Brahma, and who is the beginning and the end, and who comprehends all things, shall descend upon earth: he will be born in the family of Vishńuyaśas, an eminent Brahman of Sambhala village, as Kalki, endowed with the eight superhuman faculties. By his irresistible might he will destroy all the Mlechchhas and thieves, and all whose minds are devoted to iniquity. He will then reestablish righteousness upon earth; and the minds of those who live at the end of the Kali age shall be awakened, and shall be as pellucid as crystal. The men who are thus changed by virtue of that peculiar time shall be as the seeds of human beings, and shall give birth to a race who shall follow the laws of the Krita age, or age of purity. As it is said; "When the sun and moon, and the lunar asterism Tishya, and the planet Jupiter, are in one mansion, the Krita age shall return 80."

When the sun and moon, and the lunar asterism Tishya, and the planet Jupiter, are in one mansion, the Krita age shall return 80

Tishya is the last 1/3 the sign of Cancer and on 25 of june next year in the morning UTC sun, moon and jupiter are in this position

there is some different versions of this but i've seen other people come to the same conclusion, it is the marker of the end of a dark age, and the beginning of a new golden age

doesn't mean the trouble ends immediately but it's like that moment when the first rays of the sun disc blare over the mountain 
 Hmm. We should find that village. Also, the world was supposed to end in 2013 on my ex gf's birthday. Mayan calendar... Everyone was excited running up to it. I guess it didn't end because we broke up before that.

Anyways.. That is awefully specific... I bet its talking about bitcoin. 
 yeah, i'm glad to convey this... there was a post on steemit.com a couple years back that also posited this idea that it might be the big one and i dug around and i'm pretty much convinced, i have a countdown timer on my phone also to remind me how soon it is, quite cool to check out where the sky is on one of those ... i forget the site, there's some site that lets you see the whole sky and it has a day and night view and shows you all the constellations, and yeah, where i am right now, 25 june next year, at about 9:30am in the morning, the event is not visible because it's daytime and it's about 20 degrees up from the horizon, over just behind the eastern cliffs of this valley 
 Maybe that planet sized UFO that NASA showed on one of their websites that was sucking plasma off the sun will start hashing and reorg the chain. 
 yeah, i saw that, it's a big object but it's just gonna do a loop and fling back out into deep space for another few thousand years

but it brings up the point... more advanced civilization that warned our ancestors about this may well have had such a good model of the nearby tens of thousands of lightyears neighbourhood that they were actually talking about a giant rock that is coming

would explain why the controlled media has been hyping the doom of a meteor strike

it could be the same one referred to in Revelation 
 But if they can zoom around in cloaky planet plasma suckers, they can zap a space rock 
 they hype up the power of all the nukes in the world but i'm pretty sure a 1km diameter rock that is certain to collide with us would not be able to be bumped off course with all those nukes, and blown up right next to it out at pluto... the weight alone is immense, and then add the velocity of thousands of meters per second

but it's fairly unlikely considering it's a pretty tight window when you count that our planet is flying around the sun at 400m/s 
 That would be a bad way to do it. If you have a space economy, you have matter streams. You mine a rock somewhere, but need the goodies somewhere else - you don't fill the cargo hold of s ship with ore, you conveyer feed pellets into a magnetically propelled mass driver and stream pellets across space, into a receiver at the other end. To change a rock's trajectory, you aim a matter stream at the rock for whatever duration is required to break any gravitational resonances it may be following. Or just eat that rock too. 
 also, yeah, Revelation also talks about two things, the field of the saints and the blessed city, and the dragon tries to attack it but fails

remembering this also ... the ancient greeks (and revelation text is written in ancient greek) called these islands the "blessed islands" and i searched around to find some reference like "campo de santos" but no... there is a book with this title too, that recently became very popular, and the reference is related to revelation and the story is about weaponised immigration, funny enough 


and "dragons" i'm starting to strongly connect them with meteors on low trajectories blazing through the sky, like the one that passed over Russia back in 2013, if you ever saw the video, omg wow 
 Was it the Chelyabinsk one? Iirc a bunch of cars caught it on dashcam 

and it's not unknown phenomenon in the region, the tunguska incident was probably an exploding meteor at a low trajectory, finally got so hot it popped over the taiga 
 Idk, I do often wonder what the dragon is. I'm fairly certain that the crowns represent ego - there's the crowns on the dragon and the crowns that the saints wear, which I think is us, if we're saved. Ego just fits crowns in my mind. A hollow crown is an inflated ego - there's nothing there. To lay down your crown is to die, to have your crown returned is to be resurrected. But... I avoid that book!