Your fresh dose of updates from the Bitcoin ecosystem is ready! 🍊 Catch up now: 🧡 * Shielded CSV: Private and efficient client-side validation, enhancing Bitcoin privacy at 100 txs/s * Implementing private offline Lightning Network payments with BOLT12 * UTXOzkp: Proving Lightning channel presence on-chain without revealing specific UTXOs * Expanding DNS-based payment instruction resolution to identity and data verification via DNS TXT records * NOIST: A non-interactive, single-round t-of-n threshold signing protocol * New evidence of mining pool centralization: similar Block templates * Entering Bitcoin development from a Rust perspective * Is Babylon’s sustainable yield narrative valid? * What exactly constitutes client-side validation? 🤹 Other Stuff * The importance of decoupling product decision-makers from service, as seen from the Telegram founder’s arrest * Cracking the Onion: how German law enforcement is breaking Tor's anonymity * A list of privacy-friendly tools covering crypto, desktop, and mobile devices @`mynymbox` * Are real-world assets (RWAs) a safe haven for on-chain yields? * Mining heater: enjoy hot coffee while mining Bitcoin