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 If you are a true anarcho-capitalist, you will understand that there is no difference between the state of Israel and the state of North Korea, the common denominator is that they are states and all states are murderers and thieves.

 Speaking of hypocrisy, this reminds of the Putin regime condemning the arrest of Pavel Durov for speech restriction reasons 😂 
 They are all the same shit but packaged with different flags. 
 Fuck em 🍻 
 How would an anarcho capitalist nation look like structurally? Would there be a president/congress/constitution/military/etc? 
 Anarcho-capitalism is a utopia of maximums, that is, people are not ready for it, if you want to know concrete examples like the ones you formulate I recommend you to read rothbard's libertarian manifesto. 
 How do you think it should look like? 
 Utopias are always non achievable.  I liked John Stuart Mill's On Liberty. 
 How would an anarcho capitalist state look?
About like a married bachelor

How would an anarcho capitalist region look?
It's ultimately unpredictable but there are several good models. The US "wild" West is one, with armed self-defense and an "outlaw" system in which criminals are denied the protection of the law and thus fair game for anyone. Another good model is medieval England, with a common law system in which people who have disputes choose for themselves the court (or arbitrator, etc) who will hear the dispute. Criminals there (and in both England and the US until the mid 1800s) were often apprehended by ordinary citizens (as in old movies where someone would yell "stop! thief!" and somebody else would tackle the thief) Another good model is Somalia during its stateless period, in which people seek justice within the tribe and tribal elders get together to negotiate conflicts between tribes.

In any case, I think the features that people expect are:
1) Armed self-defense
2) For-profit negotiation of disputes
3) Strong cultural norms respecting private property rights 
 Antisemtism has no place in this world! People can't keep getting away with it!

 Los semitas son los palestinos. 
 Israel es el estado judío.
Son amantes del dinero.
Y que a día de hoy gobierna el mundo.
Yo lo veo en España en las noticias.
Los de Black rock, los Ford y hasta los comunistas como Stalin que es judío.
Hasta los cargos de estados unidos tienen aquel símbolo del triángulo.
El símbolo del dólar tienen un triángulo con un ojo en el medio.
Los medios de comunicación controlados por Sión.
Y en la segunda guerra mundial, si se libró del yugo del nacional socialista.
Pero no del comunismo.
O sea que al día de hoy europa está controlado por comunistas judíos, capitalistas.
Los que yo llamo amantes del dinero. 
 También tenemos  
Thilman un pedófilo.
Las pornografías controlados por pervertidos
 También están los juegos olímpicos controlados por judíos.
Tenemos también a Mark Zuckerberg como Elonk Musk a favor de que no se puede negar el holocausto, no sé puede mencionar la raza el origen de un negro que violó a una blanca en europa de forma sexual.
Están controlados por ellos. 
 Yes, that the basic premise, all states are the same in a principle, but they vary in effect, sometimes by orders of magnitude. 

It is like with alcohol. It is all bad for you, but I would much rather drink 12y old single malt than a rubbing alcohol laced with rat poison...