A moment of silence https://i.nostr.build/eaXwxaQAjWjJD2xb.jpg
I wonder how that’s working out for him. 🤔
Hope he didn’t sell. I loved that kid 🧒 or one that looked like him. As a mother of sorts for many years. It’s tragic either way. But he’s always been a wild genius so I’m guessing he’s doing fine in life.
https://image.nostr.build/8dda195e83c98ea4b58e082bb7403a376c81db6847d39c2804adbc70f1d1bba1.gif nostr:nevent1qqsfw5n09um3ekafdw6jqhxr62wyzy88knqs9kfagh2le8g53awfrcqpzemhxue69uhkummnw3ex2mrfw3jhxtn0wfnj7q3qutx00neqgqln72j22kej3ux7803c2k986henvvha4thuwfkper4sxpqqqqqqzfhg08x
We will honor and guard the sats you have forsaken.
Is this the new boating accident?
nah, no moment of silence. dude got greedy, likely lost a bunch, the didn't buy back because it was going to 12 or even 8k. hilarious, actually. stay humble
I remember this post. I was redditing a lot back in 23. But I have thankfully fully switched over to stacker.news for my shitpost debating.
I'm surprised you managed to sticks around for so long. I did not even stop reading it on purpose, it just slowly evaporated away from my daily life through the course of a couple of months. Whenever i search for something now and a reddit post pops up in the results 9 out of 10 times the whole thing is already deleted. They only allow one type of person on that site now.
What price analysts think they're doing: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/95/fe/7a/95fe7a6efd8ed2054a5552dda2d78731.jpg Reality: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e1/e6/e9/e1e6e965ee8c2e439a0b770c6372e96c.jpg