Atlas Shrugged There are so many things happening that remind me of the book Atlas Shrugged.... In Spain for example the railroad network is a chaos like in Taggart Transcontinental... Put in gogle “railway chaos in spain” and you will see. Fortunately, there is hope. The Bitcoin communities that have been built in El Salvador or Costa Rica are like Galt Valley.
Toda la situación con Renfe, Talgo y el impresentable de Oscar Puente parece una caricatura de Atlas Shrugged. Por como iban las cosas en el libro, creo que dentro de poco tocará que se hunda un túnel, y luego el Gobierno ilegalizará que la gente cambie de trabajo.
Oscar puente es James Taggart 😂
United states and canada are also having rr strikes/trouble and its being glossed over in the mainstream