Oddbean new post about | logout
 Might be a way to work for a relay, as well. 🤔 
 well, contributing data in some way can have value, telemetry could give you a better tier than limited free level 
 An easy one would be feedback.  Fill out a survey or bug report once per month to renew access, and that helps the developers and operators stay on top of things. 
 yeah, this would be a great way to get testers too, would be a big thing for a project that combines a client and relay together as an integrated package... primal is already going in this direction but i think i may be involved in such a project in the near future, fingers crossed (we want to do a slack/gsuite killer)

initial reactions to the idea of infrastructure all being paid have been very indignant at first but they will all get it when they have to take down their free server because it's suddenly costing them a lot and the penny might actually drop