Oddbean new post about | logout
 If you could get 5 years fully paid to build anything you want, what would you build? 
 A self sustaining community 
 An integrated oil and gas company 
 Why that in particular? 
 A family. 
 This is the correct answer. 
 Wouldn't we all? 
 Poder construir un software para usar #nostr al 100% en mi Smart TV 
 A painting school with adjoining art gallery and artists' studios  
 Can I interest you in the decentralized education network I would build if I knew how? 
 What do you mean? 
 My reply to vitor’s note was a decentralized education network… your dream fits into mine. 😬 
 Am I doing co-founder matchmaking? 🚀  
 I wish

I broke my brain trying to develop a proposal for this idea. 🤣

Not entirely true. We tried with a small team to work on it without funding for a while. It was shitcoin based, maybe part of the problem. 

It’s just that what I dream is tough to achieve, but it all needs to be there for it to work. I’ve seen other projects try similar stuff, but it’s missing the key element (and many other), decentralized accreditation. Because it is via accreditation (big business) that the legacy system controls the flow of thing, especially with education being such a huge privatized business. 

I imagine his school, and don’t think (and maybe I am wrong) that he would be interested in building a network. It’s just that he would benefit in joining it, if it were to exist. 
 Ops... 🤣 
 I would build a personal budget app which tracks the prices of everything in dollars and allows a switch to sats to unmask that saving in sats drives personal costs down. I would give it away for free. 
 In spreadsheet form at least this is very doable. 
 My citadel and the moat which will surround it. 
Ever seen Weird Science 😆😆😆😆😆😆😆 
 Superb👌🏻. Kelly LeBrock😍.  
 A family
 A house. 
 a nostr video game for all consoles with shooter, sport, rpg and racing clients 💜👌 
 The nostr ecosystem! My wallet is ready. Let’s go! 
 What around you build first? 
 Local, decentralized, sustainable farmers market (regenerative beef, raw milk, honey, etc). Create a blueprint that could be replicated across the country. 
 A decentralized education network, with a built in decentralized academic accreditation protocol. 
 IF I could program, I'd work on an implementation of Apache Wave on Nostr, and then when I got that working I would build an open source version of LibreOffice.  We need a distributed database system like MS Access. 
 Build Nostr Twitter or Nostter for short with nostr:nprofile1qy2hwumn8ghj7mn0wd68ytn00p68ytnyv4mz7qgswaehxw309ahx7um5wghx6mmd9uq32amnwvaz7tmjv4kxz7fwdehhxarj9e3xwtcqyphydppzm7m554ecwq4gsgaek2qk32atse2l4t9ks57dpms4mmhfx34sl7k 
 A craft beer brewery #beerstr 
 A school or boot camp to educate the next generation about Bitcoin. I think if we're going to push adoption we need to empower the younger generation.  
 An open source Discogs disrupter. 
 Nostr enabled ecash fedimint with microcontroller for signing and holding ecash notes.
PoC already exists, except for the microcontroller part.
Would stream most of it and try to teach people along the way. 
 A farm of green energy
Then i could use part of that energy to mine btc 
 A farm 
 A local general contracting company focused on home residential home improvements that increase sovereignty (solar, batteries, electric generators, geothermal heat pumps, wells, septic systems, anaerobic digesters, ham radio, mesh networks) 
 A house by the mountains.  
 Run of River Projects 
 native android and ios nostr nests. 
 5 years? Man, I need to revisit my expectations 🤣 
 it's a long roadmap 😂😂 
 a house somewhere remote where I could have lots of animals, grow most of my own food & a bitcoin circular economy nearby. I hope the whole world will get on the bitcoin standard before I die 
 Mega scale modern day hanging gardens with hot springs. A labyrinth of water channels and aqueducts that generate electricity with water generators. The water moves back up to higher elevations using passive solar panels and siphon pump systems to move water vertically without electricity. The whole complex goes on like this with some pyramids and chinampas floating on a lake at the center. 

 I’d pay for an entry ticket 
 Hell yea! U get a bungalow on the water's edge  💯✊🏽🪶 
 A global, family-friendly, multiplayer real-world interactive game supported by creative writers, researchers, musicians, programmers, and assorted background staff all proportionately rewarded by V4V zap splits as users advance through multiple gaming scenarios...😃 
 @arkinox runs nostr gamedev chats.  
 t.me/nostrgamedev 😁 
 A regen food farm garden and little community giveaway tent 
 self-expanding supply chain to boost small manufacturers globally and balance out hegemony trade 
 This has got me thinking! 🤔 
 Thinking is good.  
 Will ill have whatever resources I need? If  so the answer is simple. Id build somthing that wouod gurantee jailtime for all of you 
 Functional, fully working, nuclear fusion plants. The only way to supply humanity's energy needs in the next centuries. 
 Can we have that pocket sized please? 
 time machine to go to 2011 and acquire #btc 
 A combo of nostr over i2p where nodes/relays lend bandwidth to the protocol in exchange for sats 
 That would be awesome 
 I have two options:

1. A business-in-a-box platform to help people gain freedom from corporatism that allows sharing of courses and materials between members, and based on Nostr+Bitcoin so it's fully self-owned (no more paying big tech and giving them your data)


2. An earth ship village or complex with a shared garden system so we can share labor but not exchange money and feed ourselves off our land tax-free and be interdependent locally but independent of the state. It'll have annualized solar heat (thermal battery charged by concentrated sunlight in the summer and water/steam discharge for the winter), and a highly efficient structure using local materials and/or foam concrete. 
 262,800 blocks 
 House for my family 🏠 
 A bed 
 A garden. 
 my back so i can carry more plebs to the promised land 
 my back so i can carry more plebs to the promised land 
 Open source off-grid mining 
 A house 
 Enterprise grade ecash mints + supporting infrastructure.  
 A farm 
 A fully open source mobile device from the hardware to the firmware through the OS. The OS could be Linux or BSD-based and able to run fully in touchscreen mode.  Perhaps even automatic adaptation of applications from desktop paradigm to mobile/touchscreen. 

The entire point of open hardware is to spawn a million clones and a new industry. I want to spawn truly ambient computing where the user is in control. 

And this is to break out of the current,  horrible duopoly of control.  
 This is hugely needed. A FOSS Windows too. One that actually works (not like ReactOS). 
 A mahusive bitcoin mining farm run by hydro electric with a ranch producing regenerative farmed cattle with a farm shop selling locally grown produce and natural remedies 
 A non-profit organization to support poor youth with an IQ above 130 all over the world. 
 I would build a livestream tipping/ sound alerts system built atop Nostr 
 zap.stream already has that ... but I guess you want to have it for any streaming platform. 👍  
 Online med school program. Med theory only. 

Digital, borderless, unlimited capacity, no age limits, no pre-requisites, low-fee to no-fee.

I would incentivize current doctors to compile existing online materials from Wikipedia, Journals, even YouTube into a standardized program. Then create their own content for any materials not covered well.

The goal is for anyone to access, anyone to afford, and anyone to work through at their own pace. 

Once a student completes the program, they can move on to practicum elsewhere. But the theory-only knocks a solid 1/4 to 1/3 off the total program time/cost. Allowing these practicums to operate with greater capacity. 
 Why stop at medical studies… a decentralized education network with built in decentralized QC/accreditation. 
 A fully anonymous non-profit p2p no kyc bitcoin community. 
 the fact that I don't have an answer for this question made me realize how superficial my goals are. brb

 Build a nostr relay that works for the next 10 years including nostr's upcoming eternal September.

It will effectively combat spam using a mix of Bayesian filters, AI, IP address reputation, peering agreements with other selectively approved relays, and some secret sauces.

It will offer filters for parental control, community standards and business compliance.

It will respond to law enforcement requests for the removal of illegal and DCMA content.

Algorithms will selectively promote notes for a fun and engaging experience including trending new products, sponsored notes and informative government news.

This will make it the relay of choice for a safe, family & business friendly nostr and the default relay for Microsoft Windows and Apple iOS.

It will do to nostr what Gmail did to email, Facebook did to the web and me very rich.

 A new life in a sunny country close to the beach where I can create a community filled with Bitcoiners, animal based food straight from the farmer, disciplined workouts, … all living in a circular economy 
 something to promote unstoppable, pople operated and censorship resistant mesh network(s). 
 We’re Bitcoiners, we do the paying now! 
 self sufficient homestead 
 Off-grid homestead 
 a citadel 
 Anonymous non-KYC place where people can buy #bitcoin using legacy fiat rails, built and hosted in friendly jurisdiction and developed anonymously. Is that even possible? 🤔 
 yes but they would have to have a bank account in the friendly jurisdiction. they would transfer funds bank to bank, then non-KYC to buy BTC  
 Self-sustainable homestead with orchard, independent power and water supply, non-toxic home with underground bunker and food store.  
 That's my dream haha 
 Something that is helpful to people.  But it's hard to know what is needed when the signal (price) is drowned in the noise (manipulation).  I'm hoping bitcoin reveals true pricing soon and where the greatest needs will be.  

Personally I think reducing the cost of energy is a great place to start as the input cost for most other production.  I'm closely following the development of SMR nuclear reactors as a means of achieving that. 
 I would probably built a bulletproof online/in-person voting system. I can’t believe we are still so behind from a tech perspective 
 I suspect such systems already exist, but no politician wants to use them 
 Could very well indeed, I know Microsoft was working on something like this but well it’s Microsoft … so I’m a bit skeptical 🤨 only a pure open source could guarantee  transparency and auditability 🤙 
 Web of Trust on Nostr.

 I just checked this out, very cool! 
 A YouTube-like app that's better than YouTube in every way, built on the Nostr protocol obv. How can I make this happen? 
 A YouTube-like app that's better than YouTube in every way, built on the Nostr protocol obv. How can I make this happen? 
 Find a team or join https://www.flare.pub/ 
 Thanks Vitor, I love Flare! I post my videos there everyday 👍 
 A bitcoin mine. I'd have it built in 3 months 😁 
 My Bitcoin savings will enable me to 100% finance my art so I will not need external funding. When me and my wife relocates from Europe to a more permanent place of residence I will set up a 3D printing workshop.

In the workshop I will print, assemble and paint sculptures, busts and commissioned art that I model in 3D. I miss sculpting in clay so I might get back to that too once I have a proper studio and somewhere to store my artwork. A few of my 3D models below, plus a work-in-progress bust/torso.

 Not sure I can build it, but the world needs a decentralised wikileaks replacement. Anonymously built, anonymous to use,decentralised.

 A thriving bitcoin circular economy in a focused sector. 
 I would probably go to school for Computer Science and "build" a carrier.  My current job is possible because of a coding boot camp my employer paid me to attend, and I couldn't be more grateful, but it was extremely limited in its scope. So many foundational aspects were bypassed for the sake of getting to the "important stuff". From there, be a much more competent resource to open-source projects. 
 Personalised and privacy preserving recommender system for nostr --- a federated algorithm of one for all and all for one type...but I doubt a single person could do it in 5 years 😅 
 with unlimited resources? SSTO. without unlimited resources? possibly cryonics-related machinery and software. 
 I’d build a company that assists and educations small business owners on securing their business from the likes of ransomware and phishing. There are tons of giant companies that help medium to large businesses but the small business owners have the most to lose as any day without income or even loss of resources could force them to close up shop. 

I don’t want to get rich off of this. Just want to help the people that need helping that nobody gives a shit about because there isn’t big money in it. 
 I'd try to make a printer that actually works 
 An app that would support me to get better health. Tracking good habits, tracking good eating... 
 I would write a Nostr Delivery app and a Nostr Marketplace app and apps to help people get out of legacy system.

I have already studied Nostr and implemented some simpler libraries and apps, so I would continue what I'm doing.

 Nostr Delivery could be tree apps: (1) food delivery, (2) take a ride, (3) send packages as mail.

They would use similar architectural structures, using open street maps and similar tracking Nostr events (maybe userstauses event kind with g tag), all write in angular and typescript and build with cordova. 
 Delivery app based on nostr? That is a good idea 🤙 
 I'm building apps that contain the smaller pieces of code that I will use to implement this larger application, this is what I can do without funding and without a team 
 I’d go all-in on @shopstr. 
 Um comercio eletrônico baseado em liberdade e confirnça, onde vendedores, compradores e entregadores tivesse a sua parte e fosse livre de impostos absurdos, o lucro das transações ficariam na mão de cada um.  zaps para produtos, entregadores e vendedores, sendo liberado sempre ao final da negociação após entrega e conferencia do comprador.  
 Bitcoin and building on Bitcoin only . All the open source projects. 
 An organic fruit farm and winery.  
 exactly the same thing we're building now
 A stronger body & mind 
 A functional replica of the Great Pyramid of Giza. ⚡️ 
 I would build Breathalyzer ATM Machines and put them in casinos! 
 I would do exactly what I'm doing right now. 
 Make it noncustodial! :)  
 Knowledge Management on Nostr 
 The sickest bong. 
 I would build a network of Mennonite families, managing their land to provide clean healthy foods, and restore the soil to improve the nutrition of that land 
 I would love to get back into software development, doing something to advance bitcoin.  I was in software development for many years, mostly working in Perl.  As time went on, I moved further away from software development and spent five years in senior management, but I found out I really didn't like that, although the pay was pretty good.  Now, with a different job (sadly not in software development), I decided to jump into Rust on the side because it really looks like a solid language, even though it has a steep learning curve.  I'm still pretty new to Rust, so we'll see where this goes.  I've been loving the bitcoin world since my son orange-pilled me almost three years ago.  I don't know where this journey will take me, but I'm looking forward to the run.  Thank you for making me think about this today. 
 a town in Age of Empires II 
 A LENR device or other cheap energy generation solution. 
 Civil engineering co-op, paid in Bitcoin. 
 Very likely a self-build home. 
 A 1000 acre agroforestry/ranch based around black walnut, black locust, honey locust, and various persimmon and other late fruiting trees. 
 Maybe a bit ambitious but something on nostr where people could save text, video and audio to pass down to future family members. You would be able to see your family tree, and maybe close friend links, and see what you family members shared to the whole family. Imagine being able to see what your great grandfather had to say. This would have to persist across many years.  
 a bitcoin education program in Haiti 
 A NOTAM (notice to airmen) app with global coverage for free flyers, drone pilots and recreational airplane pilots. I would really like an app thet informs you about an  area you wanna fly in, in every detail, about restrictions, locals knowlage, obstacles, good/bad areas, local weather phenomenons, laws etc,

We already have all this but it's all scattered around different apps and takes time to gather the info. I want to stack it all in one app. 

I am kinda half way there already without  being paid and I have some ideas how to include nostr in there but I'm not there yet, and when I will be I will need some help with how to make a group chats for launch and landing areas ;) 

While building this, I found out that wiki is highly underrated and people should contribute more to it. 

 Hard to see anything more exciting in bits world than nostr. I would add other stuff to the current things.

In physical world building a community from the ground up would have me itching to lay foundations, build generators & water facilities, and place roofs. 
 Either a pager-like phone that integrates into your smart phone and lets you know if there's an emergency. Limited feature set for psychological and privacy wellness

Or an improved voice recorded. Includes software that has an LLM to help organize and use spaced repetition to interact with it.  
 OH or a super modular combustion car. A car designed to last forever. Revenue could be generated through teaching others how to fix their own car.  
 A self sufficient off grid capable homestead that would serve as the source of my family’s basic needs and a place to educate others on permaculture, food, energy and monetary independence.  
 (Working towards this. If someone else can get there faster, please do, I would donate!)

I am working to fund devs to build a Bitcoin-only version of how Stacker news works - mashed with a simplified version of GoDaddy/Wix templates, that serve as publicly auditable organizational management system & digital headquarters for any business/org or community.

A template any business or org can employ as a digital business HQ, wallet, project funding with customizable auto-dissemination, & printable financial transparency. 


My org needs this. Working on funding it. I am hoping someone just builds it so I can buy, license, or subscription use - if not, I will just keep pushing to make it happen. 

As a first order ☂️ project, funding someone to make this happen as their own start-up would be amazing. I am working on funding.

A simple site template that anyone can use to adopt Bitcoin while changing business culture to one of full transparency. A system that allows consumers to see how & where funds are spent. 

This can easily be someone's start-up. Offer free versions, more complex versions for larger orgs or companies, communities, subscriptions. Replace site builders with Bitcoin-only simplicity while introducing a culture of transparency & integrity in business. It introduces ideas to pilot governing infrastructure for voluntarily funded tax-free communities & simplifies project management.

I need this. I can no longer code. I have brain damage. For my org, a site that functions like a Bitcoin umbrella would prevent the need for establishing a legal entity. It would function like a digital HQ & financial management with no need for human intervention.

 Something I can't fuck up.

 Something that can function set & forget style. 

For the org I am building, funds recieved are to be auto redistributed into coffers for member companies, orgs, individuals & projects under the umbrella. Tithings & donations  automatically redistributed. A digital umbrella: ☔💹🔄♾️. 

I am founding w/ 2 for-profits & 2 non-profits that serve as an example of self-funding mechanisms that can be used by small communities or regions to replace tax systems with  self-sufficiency. 

As membership of my org grows, 3% tithings from for-profit member companies/individuals will be committed to the ☔ & redistributed equally into coffers. 

12.21% of profits from both of my  founding member companies, & 66% of my personal fees & profits will be automatically redistributed into the umbrella. 

Coffers will serve as direct funding. Members will be able to withdraw up to 1/3 from their coffers biannually at solstices with the intent of funding to facilitate self-sufficiency & growth. Annual accomplishment reports of funds use are to be published on the site alongside withdrawal records. 

This helps people learn. Say a member withdraws 20BTC & implements a rain harvest system for their farm & store... Their report will educate folks on the costs and steps taken, with a summary of other self-sufficiency options to move forward the following year. 

My ☂️ will facilitate regenerative self-sufficiency at every level, across all industries -obsoleting many, innovating others. Members facilitate their self-sufficiently while eliminating or reducing expenses. Perpetual upward mobility. 

Once a withdrawal occurs, whatever was withdrawn must be doubled in order to make another withdrawal. For example, if a member has 90 BTC, withdraws max 30 at summer solstice, coffer must reach 120 to make another withdrawal at winter solstice. 

Members will have the option to withdraw their full coffer, but abdicate their membership in the process. To reinstate membership, would require reinstating coffers at  100% of what was withdrawn when abdication occured. 

This system incentivizes savings & growth, with automated caps/adjustments based on circulating supply. 

This is important & can be super simplified. 

For me, it facilitates an example of what is possible at scale. For myself & everyone else, it facilitates agency & accessibility to enterprise for folks who may need financial independence but lack administrative skills or need  assistance with executive function deficits or other cognitive deficits. 

You can't lose or fuck up business or community financials when it's all simple view/print, auditable with hodling as a built-in mechanism.

You never miss or fuck up payroll if it's all built in to automated coffers. It changes the culture of working from payday to payday to instead save for rainy days.  

You don't have to learn to build a store or set up an auction if it's a option built into your template. Click-to-customize integrated tools for the future of business. 

I am working to facilitate this. It is a first step, multipass necessity, as part of a greater mission towards regenerative self-sufficiency for an interstellar Bitcoin economy. 

 Templates are the next start-up:

 This, but simplified & Bitcoin only:

 Construiria uma plataforma do tamanho do estado de sao paulo no oceano em aguas internacionais 
 O primeiro que chegar é dono absoluto do espaço que utilizar, não tem direito nem dever social nenhum, tudo no consenso e contratos 
 Um bunker?  
 Translate Tacitus’ Annales