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 Strike is becoming my new favourite way to stack sats in Europe...


do you think we’re missing anything in Europe? curious any feedback if you have any 
 I can tell you that I tried to get my French friend signed up, but it wouldn't allow him because he was hitting a cell tower in Switzerland. There's a LOT of people that live in France & work in Switzerland that could be caught out by this faulty geofencing.  
 One of your competitors here in Europe is 'Bringin' with a very smooth and instant fiat on-/off ramping. They are planning to offer online purchases with credit card via that almost instant off-ramping. But they haven't implemented it yet.

If there was a way to make purchases with sats via some accepted payment card, that would make Strike's service even more compelling. I saw you in a demo video buying some snacks in a mini market with Strike in Chicago 😉 Now, I don't exactly know what regulations stand in the way for that happening. But it would be a killer feature for an all-in-on Bitcoin life.

 Spain and Italy presence? 
Total population of 110 millions 
 One feature that I loved with Bittr and Pocket here in Europe, was the choice to share with them a wallet's xpub so every time they would send me bitcoin in my hardware wallet they would automatically choose a new unused address.
Otherwise you have everyone beat, with the 0 DCA fees and 0 fees with "slow" withdrawal... 
 KYC required? 
 Strike, yes. Relai, yes. Bringin, yes. Almost everything else in Europe that has to do with fiat on-/off-ramping, yes. Does anybody know of a decent non- or soft-KYC Bitcoin company left? 
 yes, pocket sill kyc-free (kyc light) 
 Pocket is left, good to hear 🙏 
 And nostr:nprofile1qqszwk3fha20mytuy0q7ts4tfja9slz53zgq2e8ktwzmf477je9vp4gpzemhxue69uhhyetvv9ujuurjd9kkzmpwdejhgqgjwaehxw309ac82unsd3jhqct89ejhxqgkwaehxw309aex2mrp0yhxummnw3ezucnpdejqj6kn4a 😉 
 Nice one, I'll check it out 🤙 
 🫶 🫶 🫶  
 Just to buy/sell BTC? 
 They're definitely my favourite 🧡 
 Why not Robosats or BISQ or peach ?
I understand that Strike is convenient for noobs but why the hell continuing to stack in a KYC way if able to to it NKYC ? 
 Thanks for the tip. I have just installed Strike and tried it out. Will probably also be my favorite Ligthning Wallet.⚡ 
 Strike is my go-to SAT stacker app. Love the “ON SALE” announcements it sends to remind me to pick a little more up