People wouldn't need to buy cases if the outer components of each phone were easily and cheaply replaceable anywhere. Cases are the proof of a product design flaw.
why they're all made of the slippiest glass going is beyond me. I suspect it's deliberate to stimulate sales after accidental drops.
This is the real nonesene, give me antislip ffs
sandpaper finish or gtfo
Every phone has a easily replaceable and cheap outer (protective) component that are available *everywhere* They're called phone cases.... #420?
If your product needs third-party accessories, your product design sucks.
Or that I have to put a layer of glass over the layer of glass...
Gorilla glass 6+ doesn't need it unless you scrape your phone on gravel for some reason
Not sure what the new iPhones are using but it scratched the first day I got it. I set it down on my coffee table and slid it some when I picked it and now have a nice gouge. But also, I have never had a screen crack when I use a glass protector. The protector cracks, and I replace it. I had one screen crack and it was when I neglected to put a screen cover on it.
Lol thats shitty... I bought three OEM screen protestors that all broke within a year, thought fuck it I'll just replace the screen next time 5 years later *many* drops and not a crack thank god Some very minor scratches but tbh it looks new, very impressive. Wonder why iPhone is so bad then thought they'd be better
It was my work phone so at least I didn't pay for it. Shouldn't have scratched, but well... It's kind of funny how anecdotal it is. I always used a screen protector, hardly an issue. I think it started peeling off and a decided not to replace it. A week later I dropped my phone and shattered the screen. I've used protectors ever since. Did have to replace another one because the corners of it started cracking. But now I keep a spare in the drawer.
But then they wouldn't be water resistant
Yeah it's madness, all the slick design that goes into a phone then we slap fuggly rubber cases on them. Cant think of any other product that has that UX journey
If people could access the inside of their tracking device, they'd be able to turn them off properly.
I recently broke my Pixel 6A screen and managed to get parts from IFixIt except for removing the adhesive it was an okey procedure. I later check what would have happened if it was my GF Iphone that broke. It would have been wayyy more expensive because if I wanted an original screen I would have had to take it to an approved shop. It radicalized me even more against Apple
the current design is for how it looks/feels when you purchase it the case is for the “oh shit, I actually need to use this”
I have a Kyocera Drua Force Pro 2. It's military grade. It's so tough I don't need a case.