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 You are charged with making a presentation for alien visitors about a great thing that humans have accomplished. What would you show them?

You don't need to accomplish anything in particular with your presentation just show something you sincerely feel represents humanity and represents us well. Sincerity matters most.

Further, you don't need to try to represent all of humanity. People all over the world will have the same chance. You just need to show the part you care and know about best. 
 @134318c2 Pen and Paper Roleplaying Games. We humans are good storytellers and this is the height of storytelling because it is truly collaborative for the first time in history.

If it should be sciency, than maybe the standard modell of particle physics, because i would hope that they show us the errors in it. but there are of course more qualified people for this than me. 
 @134318c2 I'd do a presentation on the rescue of the boys' football/soccer team from the flooded cave in Thailand. An international effort, not without selfish actors, but overwhelmingly altruistic and cooperative ones. 

I think because COVID came so soon afterwards we tend to forget it happened, despite the films. 
 @134318c2 I'd show them around the Centre for Alternative Technology (celebrating their 50th year!) as an example of how humans can transform an inhospitable and barren former slate mine into a beautiful and sustainable village using amazing techniques and materials. 

 @134318c2 I would show them the incredible diversity, beauty, and creativity of our collective vast pr0n treasure trove 
 @134318c2 We turned cocoa beans into delicious chocolate. (I do this)