Oddbean new post about | logout
 I'm a bit embarrassed to admit that I just discovered FreeTube.  It's a desktop YouTube front end for increasing privacy (Goog tracking) and removing Ads.  I've been using NewPipe on mobile for some time already.

Check it out if and don't look back.  It's open source and excellent freedom tech.  Export your subscriptions from YouTube and import into FreeTube and presto! you're in business. =)

 Been using new pipe but the import export is a bit clunky. Better than the alternative though  
 I also use newpipe on my android phone. No ads. Ever.  
 Can anyone explain this like I’m 5? 🙏🏻 
 It’s great, isn’t it?! I love it and use it often 
 For Android https://newpipe.net/ is awesome. Open source, turn off screen listen to YouTube no adds 
 Curious what you use different profiles for?  Extra privacy? Family members?  
 You ought to attach a lightning wallet to your profile so you can be zapped! ⚡ 
 Check out @Alby