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 Hey, remember that time when the Nordstream pipeline was sabotaged, and then after a while most investigations quietly concluded without reporting on who did it?


Anyway, anything good on tv lately? I hear Shogun is good. https://image.nostr.build/e6a6a7e70e313925058fdb534ff7ae8bd45ce05ca5943e067c61a159a1302559.jpg  
 Watch some anime for a change. Solo Levelling is good. 
 Blue eye samurai is excellent as well. 
 I am yet to watch it. On my list. 
 +1  for blue eye.  also Frieren gets my vote for anime of the year. 
 Watch Frieren is a work of art 💯 
 Watched some episodes of Shogun and didn't like it xD 
 anyone catch the game last night? 
 I’m pretty sure we all know who did it 
 Super weird huh. 

Anyway, NHL playoffs are on every night and pretty exciting! 
 Probably aliens  
 it's like when someone is only mentioning things on his side, to make a point. and silent when he's proven wrong. 

I was thinking about the covid jab. 
people are silent now. even though they were vocal when they thought the facts were on their side. 

is that considered evil?

it's not about the facts? it's about the facts that are on your side only? 
 Which ones. The ones that said we were all gonna die if we didn't or the ones that said we were all gonna die if we did?    So glad I left bluecheckistan  
 Most likely Ukrainian government or some Ukrainian oligarch. 
 Shogun is good but only Japanese actors  
 the books set me off on a lifetime of distaste for Jesuits. I also dont eat duck because of that book. nasty Portugese Jesuits bro. Just nasty. 
 Yeah, anyway.  Fallout is pretty good 
 damn dolphins trying to take over the world! 
 Nordstream didn't blow itself up!! 
 Thanks for the reminder. German government also wanted to investigate. What happened 🤔 
 Does anyone have a good reason to doubt the honesty of Seymour Hersh? 
 Follow the money. Who is now the new big supplier of LNG to Europe? 🧐 
 Hello Sweden, this is the CIA Director…… 
 Fallout on Prime is pretty cool. 
 Nothing to see here. 
 Shogun is good. 
 I think everyone understands that… 
 More #meme, less #MainstreamMedia 
 What about main meme media? 
 .. 👀

This is #TheOtherStuff  
 It goes to show that 100% it wasn’t Russia 
 Which country paid Sweden a bunch of fiat for no real reason? 
 I think tv is having a hard time competing with IRL 
 Man that's crazy. Did you catch Shogun last night? https://image.nostr.build/b8c9576be124b59970fec341020e22185c93c117d9b1bee64fc490c6c9ea9ac9.jpg 
 for real though, Shogun is excellent 😅 
 The 80s Shogun? 
 lol. weird, indeed.  
 Everything is rigged 
 Been watch a few shows fringe, person of interest. 
 It's a complete mystery. 🤷🏻

 Good morning 
 shogun is excellent 👌 
 Shogun so good! 
 Absolutely terrible. 
 read Seymour Hirsch report - he tells you exactly who did it. 
no surprise at who. 
 Hmmm curious. I wonder what  the conclusion of Sweden's investigation into the Baltic underwater cable damage  will be. 
 Ofc it was the hecking Russians!! Sabotaging their own main source of revenue!! 
 I think most of the countries investigating this has a main theory that a Ukraine backed group carried out the attack on the Nordstream pipelines? That said, I have a hard time believing anything coming from both US/EU and Russian related sources on this topic. Unless there are any hard evidence, we're only going to be able to speculate who did it.

 Destruction of German property by the proxy Ukr does not happen without either UK or US greenlight.

Btw Russian energy still makes it to EU, albeit with intermediary markups that make US LNG more competitive. All this  makes the Euros poorer.

 Yeah as I said, I don't believe much coming from these investigations unless all evidence is open sourced so that people can independently go through it and decide for themselves. But let's have some fun and play around with this theory. It could make sense for Ukraine to sabotage the pipelines for two reasons: 1. Less natural gas sales to Europe means less war capital for Russia (maybe a bit naive outcome?) and 2. to turn the EU even more against Russia (as long as Russia is blamed) which could increase the amount of war material gifted to Ukraine. That said, personally, I think this theory is too naive and simple. 
 -US intel mouthpiece NYT was quick to blame Ukr groups
-Would Rf would blow up their own pipeline, the effort of years of negotiations? This pipeline makes the bond between Germany and Rf stronger (this is a fear of the US), and as you say is a source of revenue for Rf. 
-Impact of oil prices on US elections, and Rf oil “sanctions” https://video.nostr.build/27ecaa79a503eee4148e0b841206d8b96e745050080e31e68d6253b89c827fcc.mp4
-remember 70% of the “gifted” funds and arms go missing. There is more graft than gift. Money goes to US, Ukr, and other oligarch class 
 Remember that time the US government tried to insert themselves into a war with Russia for no other reason than rampant greed and corruption? 
 There is more reason than that 
 Netherlands did the same for MH17. The rules based order means case closed if the servants of the empire is responsible for the crime. 🤯 
 LOL can't tell if you're genuinely asking about Shogun. It's worth a watch 👍  
 I enjoyed Shogun. The locations and costumes are amazing. A lot of effort was put in to making it accurate to the 1600s, even the language. The younger cast members (especially those who had never been in a samurai drama before) had instruction on how to deliver their lines. A comparison for English I read was to think of it as Shakespearean. #shogun 
 Not like we all don't already know the answer.  
 Have you watched the Fallout show? I hear it's good! 
 It's very good 
 It's not weird, they know who did it but they can't persecute because they received the order to stay silent. 🇺🇸 
 I read "Nordstream" as "Nostr dream". Time to log off I guess 😹  
 There's no log off on Nostr!

We are on it forever!  
 Remember when Biden said if Russia didn’t shut it down, he would?  And then he did, and, everyone thought that maybe it wasn’t Biden?

The mother fucker said he would do!  On live TV!  How is there even a question about who did it?

I don’t vote. I don’t use dollars.  I don’t own property. I don’t have an income.  I have no part in this. 
 hmm remember when Biden said he’d end the Nordstream pipeline on camera 
 It was fun pretending no one knows who did it 
 Strange thing, i follow you but this does not show up in my timeline. 
 Ahora si el Fomo es extremo con Shogun , habrá que verlo.


#Nostr #Venezuela #ElSalvador #Mexico #Argentina #España #Bitcoin #Amethyst 

 3 Body Problem on Netflix is different and interesting. 
 Yes because the US did it, so obviously then the media put a sock in it 
 Rewatched Silicon Valley, nothing changed in 10 years. Greedy VCs into VR then - greedy VCs into AI and shitcoins now... 
 Sweden's leadership has been deeply corrupt as long as I can remember.

Ideology is the code that runs the Swedish establishment. We called it political correctness in the 1990'ies, now we call it Woke. It overlaps significantly with the U.N. Agenda 21. The U.N. comprehensive central planning goals for the 21st century can be expected to be at the heart of anything Sweden does or doesn't.

A peak into the corruption:

The U.N. Agenda 2030 was incorporated into the Swedish constitution in December 17th, 2020. Covid was used as a pretext to rig the vote in the Riksdag (parliament):

Due to Covid restrictions, only 55 (out of 349) members of parliament (Riksdag) were allowed into the voting chamber on December 17th.

22 members of parliament voted yes to Agenda 2030. 22 abstained their vote and 11 voted no. Screenshot below from the government webpage of the final vote count, with 3 added red rings for easier reading. For clarification - it is not my screenshot but I verified 2+ years ago that the information was obtained correctly from the Swedish government webpage.

The question remains - who singled out 55 out of 349 members of parliament to vote? One can expect that the choice was not random; the process was clearly rigged. Selecting less than 16% of the parliament members is not how a representative democratic vote is cast.

When a journalist later attempted to speak with the 22 members of parliament that had voted yes, he was met with silence and was unable to reach most of them. None of them have accounted for why they voted yes. Silence.

#Sweden #Agenda21 #Agenda2030 #Politics #Covid #Corruption #Democracy #Demokratur #Sverige #Demokrati #Riksdag #Korruption #1984
 The Nordstream stuff reminds me of a recent Putin quote about the EU: 

'Putin: "Sometimes it seems to me that the EU would still ask whether they could use EU ropes if the US said: 'We have decided to hang you all.'"

"Even then, the EU would lose out because it is unlikely that the US will miss out on such a large contract for its textile industry."

 I would really like to know!

The Baltic Sea is one of the best monitored bodies of water in the world... 
 R I P L E Y on Netflix is beautiful example of film noir 
 Hey guys, don't forget success in trading comes from mastering the right strategies, not mere luck. the play out of bitcoin will always be exciting, hyper inflation intend to damage emotions, the time is now take your stach (portfolio) to the next level.

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 Living in Sweden, sure, I don't follow mainstream media very closely, but still this is the first time I read these news.

I guess "we" don't want to publish a report pointing to someone "we" see as allied/friendly/good. Despite it being pretty obvious - Russia wouldn't sabotage their own pipeline, not their allies either, and those are pretty much the ones considered bad here, so who is left but the allied/friendly/good? It wouldn't surprise me if threats and/or bribes are involved too. ("we" of course meaning the politician/media/etc. people, not Swedes in general.) 
 Shogun is awesome. There is also the new Bridgerton season, fun to watch.