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 Got my weekly dose of Normie Land today. 

[[ Logged into Twitter, immediately saw a single tweet from Elon explaining that inflation is caused by govt, and THESE were the community notes proposed on this tweet👇 ... just holy shit....
Posted this shit and logged out 🤣 ]]

For those who may not know, YES, every dollar in deficit spending IS inflation, it IS money issuance, and it IS the only reason prices have gone up without ceasing for nearly a century. It IS the single and most explicit, inexorable cause of inflation.

 the whole community notes algo, where it decides who disagrees with who and weirdly weights them against each other.. cant be good..  
 Love the citations from BLS.gov. 
 "Government not responsible for inflation!" --Government 
 The supply chain excuse for inflation is so retarded I am baffled by the absolute stupidity of NPCs. 

If it was supply chain issues, prices would BACK DOWN by now to their levels of 2019. 

This is obviously not the case has prices are up are 50-80% since 2019. 

Cognitive dissonance to the highest level. 

 A isn't A.... we don't care what Aristotle thinks.  The people who make and manage A have found dozens of ways to tell us that A isn't A.  Besides A doesn't even matter according to them.  I don't know why it's important anyway.  I'm pretty sure A doesn't really exist.... but if it does.... it's not A. 
 at least with Abbott and Costello did it it was funny