Oddbean new post about | logout
 6 months after we though we solved this problem, the basement had flooded again after just a typical rain.

So much of my stuff is ruined. Boxes of electronics and Dover stuff I had to put up in the studio when it was done. 

An entire box of bitcoin books, including my signed Fiat Standard from @saifedean, same with my Bullish Case signed from Vijay, 7th Property from Yakes

The motherboard I fought with for months to get repaired, soaked completely through.

This is a fucking shit show. My whole show setup is down here. Don’t even know what to do honestly. 
 That’s horrible, sorry Guy. 
 Oh no! Drowned the machines? That’s fucking stupid.

 That’s brutal. Sorry to hear that Guy. 
 Real sorry to hear about this my friend. 
 That’s horrible, I’m so sorry. 
 Sorry ...breathe is all i can recommend til you can calm down and think clearly, very sorry 
 Sorry man. Bitcoin doesn't fix this.  
 Sorry to hear that Guy. Sounds terrible 
 Duuude. Fuck.  
 Sorry to hear dude, that's brutal... 
 Waterproofing basements is expensive and very hard work. Is it seeping through the block or is it coming through a door entrance? 
 It’s coming up from underneath. 
 we suffer the same in our basement. No working solution so far 🫤 I'm very sorry for your damage Guy 
 Was your sump pump overwhelmed too quickly to move precious items?

Or no sump pump at all?


Really sorry to hear about this. Thanks for everything you do.

 Very sorry. 
 We rebuild 
 Oh shit, so sorry man! 
 Stay positive. You got this. At least now you know more clearly than ever before what it is that you want. 
 probably not much consolation but when everything falls down very often we get up a lot faster than we expect, so, good luck, godspeed 
 Appreciate it. I’ve unfortunately been here before. Just not as bad as this one. I grew complacent thinking it was solved 
 F man, so sorry to hear this. I have a bunch of extra audio gear if you need anything. 
 Thanks man, really appreciate the offers of help. I have my travel mic still luckily.

I’ll figure it out. Always do. Just fucking sucks a great giant donkey dick. I just want to give up on this fucking house sometimes. Wasted so much bitcoin trying to make this piece of shit work for us. 
 fuck that house! 
 Tap that ass.
 Swift for president, and you’re Borat.

Who the fuck is Bruno?

 You're doing great, bro 🙏🏻 
 Meditate on it, there’s nothing you can do, nothing to be done. 
 This sucks sooo bad 😞


 😬Sorry to hear.🙏 
 Damn that sucks so bad. I'm sorry to hear! All you can do is repair and rebuild one step at a time. Keep your head up and keep moving onwards, what's done is done 
 Shit dude, I’m so sorry… that fucking sucks ass… 
 Ugh. That sucks man. Sorry to hear that. 
 That’s their exit? Their own ass?

In Swedish they have a saying:
Världens vigaste man, kröp up i arslet och försvann 

Logical fallacy. In your case of why a jar in a human can live to tell about it by setting the right standards for operating. 

But complete Atlantis is kinda kamikaze chimera safe.

You didn’t have to Atlantis, just make sure to always have the right plates on when thinking. Simple enough to correct, fraught of knowledge, but intentional kamikaze chimera? Walking through the desert with no water to be found?

🤦 https://image.nostr.build/a2efd277ed8a20b8b817d5a775ea2b0491f254747c242948b1f03485439f45d0.jpg https://image.nostr.build/18ff161db52604c1ddc1744d07e3487467a3f212884cf031b80e18c75eac408f.jpg  
 Intelligence is the ability to adapt to change, right?

Flawed reasoning doesn’t mean that you adapt to accommodate what’s smart. 
 "Where moth and rust doth corrupt and thieves break through and steal." 
 Fuck man this sucks, I hope you backed up some of the digital work.

Glad there were no keys lost in this flooding accident 😅

For what it's worth, I am sure @saifedean and others would happily send a signed copy again. 
 inscriptions never get flooded 
 🤣🤣 thanks for the laugh. I needed that 
 I'm so sorry, Guy. But one thing that you didn't lose and you never will is your success. That can't ever be destroyed.

Another thing that didn't get flooded is my sincere admiration for you that helped spark my podcast.

There are many more important things you have that can never get flooded out.

 So sorry, dude. Take a beat. One step at a time. Beware the mold...trust me. 
 deep breath.
iron your cape
back to the skies
we will do what we can
Lotta people in your corner

in the end there will be only bitcoin 
 I’m sorry to hear, that sucks!

I recently broke 3/4 limbs in an accident. I require help to do everything and will be out of work for months. 

I will recover in time and i know you will too. take some time and then move forward. 
 Damn bro. What kind of wreck? 
 I feel for you bro. I hope you heal up quick. 
 appreciate it! 
 Show @TheGuySwann some love and zap him to help out. I owe so much to @Bitcoin Audible 

 Dude that sucks.  I have had my basement flood only to learn that my sump pumps had burnt out.  I always double check before any storms.

Thanks so much for your work.  It has been pivotal in my understanding of Bitcoin and many other economic and philosophical lessons.   

Vent, Breathe, Regroup, Repair, and Improve.  As we all know you will!! 
 Did you make a recovery backup for your basement? 
 It'd be awesome to zap Guy enough to cover the insurance deductible.

 Zapped over some sats. Wishing a quick recovery from this 🫂💜🤙 
 Oh man sorry to hear this. Keep your chin up 🫂💜 
 🥲sorry to hear that 🫂 
 Damn i'm sorry that happened to you. 
 Ohhh man sorry, many towns near me have also been flooded since November. Entire houses have been lost, really sad to see that 
 I am so sorry man!! This is so sad to hear. I hope you recover soon! 🙏 
 Your post is getting a lot of attention.
Added to the https://nostraco.in/hot feed 
 Ouch 😓 
 Sorry bud. Houses in Costa Rica does not have basement. Not one. I say you close that mf and never use it again.
You will do fine recovering your stuff (take the motherboard in a big box with rice, let it there for few days... Silica gel helps too.)
Stay positive ⭐
 Oh no! Really sorry for you bad luck, Guy. Hope you get the mess sorted out quickly, and the problem fixed forever. 
 Oof. Sorry to hear that. The motherboard might be possible to save, the way Tico said, though I'd recommend a couple of more steps first to maximize the chances and avoid possible problems in the future: First, if it's installed, remove the BIOS battery as soon as possible, to minimize any electrolysis corrosion, then rinse the board with distilled water to get off any salts or dirt in the flooding water, that otherwise later might absorb moisture from the air and start conducting, then put it to dry according to Tico's instruction. 
 It hasn’t had anything installed on it yet, so it’s about as “fresh” as it gets. I have it sitting in front of my miner downstairs to dry along with a bunch of books that might be salvageable.
Hopefully the water was clean enough that it isn’t a problem and it boots up fine when I get the other machine back together. The other things related to that with water damage are mostly my stack of silent fans that were going into my computers and my S9 for the space heater. The S9 is an old beast so maybe it’ll start back up fine as well.

I’m hoping that many of the things that ended up in the water might still be recoverable. 
 Yeah, I wouldn't worry about the fans, usually it's not much more than a Hall effect sensor and a couple of transistors in them, IIRC. Depending on bearing type, there might be places that trap water though, potentially causing rust if it remains, so I'd shake them thoroughly in different directions and let them dry for an extended time. 
 Sorry for your loss Guy. Chin up. Zapped you.  
 Horrible mate, feel your anxiety, got an issue with my roof. Weather is relentless 🤦 
 Sorry to hear. Absolutely devastating.  
 oh no 
 Thats shit dude. Sorry you lost so much stuff. 😔 hopefully zaps help 
 I'm so sorry to hear this, Guy! That really sucks 
 What in the actual world... Stupid question of my part... fixed how, contractor involved? warranty of any kind? I mean... Oi!!! I'm angry now... 
 Keep zapping this great man in our community

 Sorry to hear man, study bitcoin … I mean study the flood plain 
 Oh man, that sucks 
 @saifedean Guy is going to need some books for his unexpected camping trip - sort an old friend out with some signed copies.

 Amigo! Sry have been there in  past. It will get better these physical things will not matter one day. Dm me if there is anything we can do to help you.  
 What's your grading around your foundation like? 
I had a new build before and ya it was graded but with just dirt and sand. You need to plant grass or something to hold it all together.  
 Sorry Guy. Stay strong. This too shall pass! 
 Hope these sats can help you recover Guy.  
 That sucks. Be strong. Most things can be replaced. Rebuild your studio one step at a time. Ask for help if you need it.  
 Short term, this sucks (no getting around it). 

Long term it'll be a great story to tell your kids and grandkids.

Until then, one step and one day at a time... 😃
 Dam! Take a deep breath. One foot in front of the other. Dehydrator machine may help some objects. Good luck 🍀 
 Man that stinks. 
 Sucks, sucks, sucks. But barely an obstacle for you. 
 sorry to hear about the flood bro. 
 Thanks man. It’s still so gross down there. Hoping nothing else gets ruined just from the humidity. 
 Oh nooooo I’m so sorry 😞 
 Thats gotta suck a lot, im sorry man. There are ways to restore your books tho, text may not look the same but you can still try.

I should get a copie of reasons why not to buy altcoins... seems very compelling! 
 Brutal. Please know how many people are sending you positivity right now... thanks for all you do. Sorry this happened brother 
 Donated in cryptocurrency, aiming for 5 million 💸