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 The crazy part is she *should be* a huge Bitcoin advocate

Any progressive person concerned with discrimination should be thrilled with the idea of non-discriminatory money https://image.nostr.build/035aaa1366c9330166b3d5b0b20d2db89fa2fbad2ae881f9412af24944673981.jpg  
 Never trust a politician. It’s just a vote bank politics. 
 Self-preservation: Bitcoin renders her obsolete. Politicians thrive when people are powerless, defenseless, and discriminated against. 
 Gutted fully Beaches 

Look at the views there 

Watch me 
 It’s as if she’s full of shit. 
 She should be but one of the problems with Warren is that she wants to be one of the ones to choose who gets discriminated against and who doesn’t. Big difference from being completely non-discriminatory as she claims to be. 
 Better question — is she actually a progressive person that cares about discrimination?

Watch what they do, not what they say 
 she cant finance her policies with hard money. she sees now that she has to defend banking. gov't/banking public/private partnership required for social democratic (socialist) agenda.  
 progressive is just a euphamism for authoritarian 
 must playing with vote bank that all. 
 You are the outlier, while she is staying true to her roots. The Fed was the lynchpin of the Progressive Era. 
 She's just a puppet. No own 🧠 
 Those suffering from dry, itchy anus often have problems comprehending Bitcoin 
 Correct. Just shows you how full of shit she is 
 She was a Republican giving speeches for the Heritage foundation at nearly 50 years old.  She found a lane being the “tough on Wallstreet” lady.  She is a transparent careerist.  Blows my mind that the long con is so effective. 
 She's all for having total control over people's bank accounts. She just wants to take that power from banks and give it to the government. As usual l, leading us to tyranny on the road paved with good intentions. 
 Maybe some hope for Liz here actually? Can she put 2 and 2 together and understand why Muslim Americans are routinely closed out of the banking system? 
 I don't see how she can't see this. 
 She's a politician, so she only sees what's in her interest.  
 We are! 
 I mean it's a big jump to think something can replace such a huge infrastructure. A lot of people think it needs to be patched.

Bitcoin doesn't solve for everyone anyway, at least not yet. So she's right in thinking that we can't just kill the banks and let everyone figure out bitcoin.

If you need quick fixes, things that will get you re-elected, then bitcoin isn't the solution at all. But getting small things to change or look like they changed is your MO.

Why she is so aggressively anti bitcoin? There's a lot of ego in that answer I'm sure. 
 im building an anti crypto army 

 ”Progressives” are always the MOST regressive and authoritarian people. They are control freaks and disconnected from truth. Envious and mean. 
 Statists are worse 
 You are such a true progressive intellectual.🤣 
 What a conundrum, on one hand pretend to fight for the common man,  and on the other be paid off by bank lobbyists!  She’s a piece of crap with zero integrity! 
 The wrong people have been whispering in her ear. 
 Does anyone not know her grift by now.  She takes money from big banks to rail against them but not pass any legislation.  Talk about controlled opposition.  She is the definition of it.  Banks fear Bitcoin for good reason.  They are slowly being disinter-mediated, and they want that to happen as slowly as possible. 
 She's never had any consustency or principles. She's a pitiful excuse for a person. 
 Damn, Native Americans… 🤪 
 Lol. No she shouldn't. You think she got into politics to give power away? 
 The problem is that regardless of the problem presented, she has always had a single-minded solution: more top-down government regulation. Bitcoin doesn't fit neatly into that world view. 
 She refused to endorse Bernie twice for president. Against Hillary and Biden. She's no progressive. 
 The single variable "disproportionate" tropes are so tiresome. 
 Looks 80 years older in that photo than her profile picture 
 And it's great to see Bitcoiners hitting her hard. Troy Cross's response has almost ratioed. 
 She will never support bitcoin. Her goal is for the government to replace the comnercial banking system with government run banks. Bitcoin is completely contrary to how she wants the monetary system to be. 
 More motivation to abandon the system. BTC 
 It's hard to function as a human when you're a puppet controlled by several masters. 
 She's willfully ignorant (among many other things) because she's funded (like most politicians) by big banks. Banks, politicians, and 'big government' are the enemy. Prepare accordingly. Buy guns, ammo, prepare yourself and family. Oh ya, #stacksats 
 Her being anti has maybe done more for Bitcoin than if she would have been if pro Bitcoin 
 her brain might just be too old to understand it
the flexible mental capacity is no longer there perhaps