Everyone with any tech chops always wrote off Samorai as a joke. The only reason people weren’t vocal about it is cause of how toxic all the asshats who loved it were. None of this means they should go to prison, but getting charged doesn’t mean you were the best, just the loudest and stupidest.
Ok I'm listing you as a fed also thanks for letting us know.
Yes I, a fed, am working hard to undermine an app that no longer functions.
Working hard to undermine the only one that worked yet you and the other fed Peter Todd are promoting Wasabi that:
1. Filtering Transactions for OFAC
2. Prohibit use based on IP
3. Close down your core service
4. Had an exploit vulnerability that allows coordinator to rugpull
5. Do not break deterministic links, etc...
What are you talking about? You are either uneducated on this topic, or trying to manipulate. Concerning...