“Those people are mine” Ego is a costume battle that people face every day and if we as loving humans aren’t strong enough to call others in on it when they step on their own ego then that’s on us. We aren’t doing right by those that we claim to Luv 💚 I would expect somebody to come to me and say yo you’re living an ego right now. Heard? https://media.tenor.com/rUIa4h-RPuQAAAAC/futurama-amy.gif https://media.tenor.com/l-aRE037y7MAAAAC/top-gun-stinger.gif https://media.tenor.com/hjdAXBF4ZqwAAAAC/idgaf-spongebob.gif https://media.tenor.com/gTnoGYC5ZIUAAAAC/et-extra-terrestrial.gif https://media.tenor.com/OvO9pDHc1YMAAAAC/monkey-call.gif