Tyrants got to tyrant. Texas and New Mexico have been fighting over Rio Grande water for 10 years. They finally got an agreement. The Feds then say they can't have this agreement because the Feds didn't get their say. Other than being power hungry, what does this have to do with the Federal government. The federal government shouldn't be involved when the states are solving their own disagreements. Of course the Supreme Court (5-4) supported Federal power. https://www.theepochtimes.com/us/us-supreme-court-rejects-texas-and-new-mexico-deal-on-rio-grande-water-5672857?src_src=Morningbrief&src_cmp=mb-2024-06-23&est=AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAYukgZxwJwsTazKoPtmpWRbd1xkFgAC4SFchPwUh2wpkxVxI%3D