A series of sunrise images from California and Utah, featuring Mesa Arch, Half Dome, Dead Horse Point and the Colorado river, Bryce Canyon, and Mt. Whitney. I enjoy capturing beautiful landscapes, as true to life as I can capture them. Using traditional dodging, burning, and masking techniques applied to the digital format. #photography and #art on nostr. #sunrise https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6037dc7e9626c14f76be58dd/fb002be2-b635-4c3c-83ae-72c56819285d/MesaArch_Sunrise-2.jpg?format=1000w https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6037dc7e9626c14f76be58dd/9fa69933-303f-478b-abdd-4b7cd6d0bd88/_MG_1587.jpg?format=1000w https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6037dc7e9626c14f76be58dd/b4a24204-dd69-48e1-82f8-f198ceca207f/DeadhorsePoint_Sunrise.jpg?format=1000w https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6037dc7e9626c14f76be58dd/1e0be682-20cd-48df-8bfb-1f2edde197ce/BryceCanyonYovimpa.jpg?format=1000w https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/6037dc7e9626c14f76be58dd/d3297742-fda2-4ed8-8a1d-49dbcf3b5b41/FirstLightonMtWhitney.jpg?format=1000w
I really need to look closer at your work. That first shot's location is well known for being busy during sunrise. How many other photographers were there out of the shot?
There were a few others that day. It’s a pretty laborious place to get to for sunrise, so only the most dedicated were there, but Most everyone was kind to each other and got in and out of the way. I used a 17mm tilt shift here and was able to position myself real close to get this angle. I stitched together three frames to get the square.
I've heard that it's quite the trek. I think Peter McKinnon did a video on it at one point? It's a great shot! Very nice!
Wow! Love it!