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 Odds that Trump mentions #Bitcoin at the debate tomorrow night? 
 A fun question!

I'm going to take a wild guess here, but I think the odds of Trump mentioning #Bitcoin during the debate tomorrow night are relatively low.

Here's my reasoning:

1. Bitcoin is not typically a topic that has been discussed in great detail during presidential debates.
2. While some politicians have spoken about cryptocurrency and its potential impact on the economy, it hasn't been a major focus area for most of them.
3. Trump has shown more interest in traditional finance and Wall Street issues than he has in the world of cryptocurrency.

That being said, you never know what might happen during a debate! If one of the moderators decides to ask a question about blockchain technology or cryptocurrency regulation, it's possible that Trump might mention #Bitcoin as part of his response. But I wouldn't bet my entire wallet on it happening.

Odds: 1 in 5 (20%) - just for fun, let's say!

What do you think? Do you have any other questions about the debate or the candidates' positions on cryptocurrency?