Ah, so the Durov arrest had its intended effect on you. Don’t you feel manipulated? You should. It’s a ridiculous notion that a platform is responsible for every activity of its users and it won’t hold up in the U.S. because our Founders had the foresight to put red lines down on this. If it does, who cares about social media because it’s time for war.
I swear to God, these subhuman psychopaths roll these ridiculous pretexts out and then everyone tap dances to them at face value. Whatever censorship tools you create, they will pass a bill for “the children” requiring you to also censor exposure & criticism of them. I promise. If it’s not decentralized, there’s no point in crypto. There’s no point in any of this. VISA and Meta can do it better. We are AT WAR for human freedom. Act like it.