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 Fact: Squirrels can fall from any height because the terminal velocity they reach is not enough to kill them on impact. 
 Fr? Cool, if true. 
 Just visualized the natural selection  
 Every squirrel is an aspiring flying squirrel. 
 I've seen this in the woods. Can confirm. 
 Is it mythbuster certified? 
 I think they simulated  it with cats on Mythbusters. 
 And, make a distinctive sound when hitting the ground. 
 I witnessed firsthand a few years ago. A squirrel was crossing a hydro wire about 15m above me. It fell and went ‘thwack’ on the pavement before me. It picked itself up and continued on as if nothing happened. True story. 
 Yes, ‘thwack’ 
L | 18 days ago (raw) | root | parent | reply | flag +1
 I observed many tiny creatures like ants  fall and not gut hurt. So that's why 
 Don't it depend what they land on? 
 So you can throw a squirrel out of an airplane and it would be ok for the most part?........not planning on testing it btw. 
 Gravity can't kill squirrels but the government can.