I am sad because i dont see anything today. Is the #inkblotart to blame or is it my imagination? I dont blame the inkblot, how could I, so i blame my imagination which makes me sad. But is that the point of inkblot? To look within and interact with your imagination. If so, then what I see today is sadness but I am optimistic that tomorrow I will find joy.
Brains are derpy things, don't hold it too accountable! https://image.nostr.build/8a902fd860f1170419379353064625c1ebdde55c35ed6c80779ac21cfc4a42ba.jpg#m=image%2Fjpeg&dim=1920x1446&blurhash=%23JD%2B--tj%7EpX9t8tRt7xuxu%25gt7%25Ms%3AxuV%40RkRjof_3Io-%3BRjt7RkRjRjWB%25MWBofM%7BRkM%7BayoIkCxvoeofRjogRkofj%5BoLWBNGt6jYt7V%40bHWBbIWXoeWBRjWCjZogoeWC&x=f68733e22ce157949d7a7e14b93e070f91a2d5b47dbb8f241751157670604b7e