The analogy of the right being a fence post and the left being a rabid dog tied to it is not accurate because it suggests that conservative values are immovable, which isn't the case. A more fitting analogy would be that progressives are a rabid dog, and conservatives are a weight slowing the dog down. However, the weight does not stop the dog and, more importantly, moves in the same direction. For instance, the shift in conservative attitudes toward same-sex marriage in recent years demonstrates that conservative values can and do change. Many conservatives now support or accept same-sex marriage, reflecting broader societal shifts and illustrating that their values are not fixed.
Correct. The point is that conservatives maintain values and culture while progressives attempt to tear down that culture and establish their own. At all costs; even at the cost of the entire country existing. This is why the child parent analogy is spot on. Essentially the children are running the country and it's possible -and in many respects we already have- you lose the country completely. You lose it because the left stops at nothing to establish authority and enforce their edicts. Progressive "values" which there are no values - it's just current thing, flavor of the day; have completely destroyed western culture. This is why there is no structural basis to the left and there is no truth except power to them. They have no moral binding besides what they *feel*. There is no allegiance to a country or a history it's simply allegiance to their own feelings.
I disagree. Conservatives do not maintain values or culture; they only slow down the destruction. Moreover, they eventually adopt the progressives' values. They are merely a step behind.
Conservatives are completely responsible for maintaining the culture and values of a country. This is why so many of them talk about the constitution and having strong borders. The left is hell bent in Europe and the US to completely ruin nations in order to keep power. They have allowed millions to immigrate in order to destroy culture. On purpose, by design. This is why I say, to the Left - there is no truth but power. There is no legitimacy besides authority. And they must be the authority at the cost of everyone's wellbeing. We're witnessing it live.