Oddbean new post about | logout
 Hey nostr, its the end of another day and time to relax.  After this morning's storms, the sun came back and it got pretty warm.  Our weather patterns are unusual for this time of year.  I'm tired of nightly storms booming loudly and messing with my sleep.  I used to work night shifts in a hospital, and lately i have been reminded of how precious sleep really is for your body.  
We've started harvesting some okra now, along with a variety of peppers and few herbs. The rabbits and the chickens are doing well as we go into our hot months.  Well thats about it.  Yall have a good evening nostr friends. Stay happy, healthy, and free. #grownostr #homesteading #countrylife https://i.nostr.build/LeBL2.jpg 
 Good night Maria! 
 I've had bad sleep ever since my youngest was young and had health problems.  I didn't ever get into deep sleep for 2-3 years because I was listening for him having breathing problems.  He was hospitalized basically once a month in the winter and every other month in the summer for 3ish years.  I haven't slept well since.  Every little noise would wake me.  

I now sleep with what my husband calls the hurricane.  It is a sound app where wind, waves, rain, and a babbling brook are all mixed together.  With that going, I can't hear all of the creaks and other noises in the night and I sleep better than I have in 16 years.  Because it sounds a little like a bad storm, I don't even notice when a terrible storm with wind and rain and hail happens by.  I sleep like a baby. 
 Hmm, thats really interesting.  I should look into that.  Thanks😊 
 I use Sleepa.  I've tried a sound machine and a couple different apps.  Most of them have the problem that when the track runs out there is a hitch in the sound that jolts me awake.  I don't have that problem with Sleepa.  With Sleepa, I get to mix a bunch of different sounds together and control the volume of each.  I think each sound has a different sound length, so you don't get that fraction of a second drop of sound that all of the others have.  The only annoying thing is the only way to pay for it is is through Google pay (I refuse to give google my cc) and the free version runs annoying ads (luckily not while sleeping), so I have to start it fast and in the morning click pause and exit really fast, so I don't have to see or listen to the obnoxious advertisements for annoying apps like ticToc (sp?) that I despise. 
 Here’s my nightly go-to’s. You can run them at the same time through a pair of earbuds.


 I have Mom Radar Ears so I haven't slept deeply in decades. Sometimes I tell my hubby I need a whole year in a quiet dark cabin to sleeeeeeeeeep. I hear everything. 
 Mom radar ears😅   Thats about right.