@Sumi. :heart_bi: Unity is so doomed lol
@fb0c61ff @Sumi. :heart_bi: I wouldn't say they're doomed, after all competing engines are much worse business model wise. But they're going to do downhill from where they were by underestimating how great it can be to have students already using your product and so pushing adoption in corporations.
@Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: @fb0c61ff the 90% figure is totally right, this wouldn't stop me from using unity because I do not see a realistic scenario where the fee would ever apply to me
@Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: @fb0c61ff people just discount it because they only look at it through the lens of their favorite game studio
@Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: @fb0c61ff also the fees are much better for the higher plans so I guess more than anything this is a motivation for studios to upgrade to higher tiers
@Sumi. :heart_bi: @Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: Did you know Genshin Impact is made with Unity
@Sumi. :heart_bi: @Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: @fb0c61ff eh, I’d say it’s more about trust than the costs for the big studios sure, most of those *can* afford it, but why the fuck would you want to build your company and livelihood on unity engine games when they’re willing to pull shit like this? at least with unreal engine each specific version is immutable. got a license and agreed to the EULA for UE4.17 or whatever? the terms for that version will never change, you can just use it forever meanwhile every dev who had a unity game in production is completely fucked in comparison
@772e743c @Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: @fb0c61ff I'm not really defending it I'm just upsetti that people are spreading misinfo and rumors and not using their brains
@Sumi. :heart_bi: @Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: @fb0c61ff uhh i was more so commenting on lanodan’s post about other engines being worse i just hit reply on the wrong post lol 😅
@772e743c @Sumi. :heart_bi: @fb0c61ff I'm saying worse because 20¢ per install is seems much less for most games than for example the 5% of sales of say CryEngine (with a threshold of putting things free under 5K). 5% of 10 bucks being 0.50
@772e743c @Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: @fb0c61ff also the TOS not changing per engine version appears to be the same for unity
@772e743c @Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: @fb0c61ff unless that's also misinfo, I honestly don't know anymore
@Sumi. :heart_bi: @fb0c61ff Look at game schools though, I don't think unity is going to be kept in the vast majority of them and I think quite a lot of game companies would rather avoid having to train students on new engines. It's going to be a slow burn of what they had over their competitors.
@Sumi. :heart_bi: @Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: What if you made a smash hit game.. Super Wolfie World...
@fb0c61ff @Haelwenn /элвэн/ :triskell: ain't happening