Oddbean new post about | logout
 I always wondered 😂😂 
 Unless he's hacking the Gibson. 
 sudo apt update
sudo apt hack this
sudo apt thank you 
 strong indentation fundamentals  
 no hacker worth their 4 character tab setting uses a themeless vim. 
 Agreed, need to spend 10x the time on the theme as you do on actually hacking

And are you a 2 character maxi? 
echo "Updating system..."
sudo apt update
sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt autoremove -y
echo "Everything up-to-date! Have a great day!"

The viewer: this is the most dangerous hacker in the world 😮 
 Is it better or worse than when they show crazy graphical visuals playing on their screens

 That guy's finger must hurt. 
 If that's what they showed, I'd be impressed... instead they just play some video of random looking visual effects. 
 I opened the Task Manager.