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 Use ChatGPT, Claude, or the new Llama 3 (via meta.ai) to help. Ask it questions, ask it for examples, if someone tries to tell you it might hallucinate etc etc ignore them completely. Yes, errors are possible but you just feed errors back to the model and it help you resolve them with a smile. 
 yeah, I've been using for learning and it saves time for sure.

It's not able to do the complex stuff, the sophisticated thinking, but for the mundane things it's great 
 Totally. For me the best part is how it helps keep me in a flow state since I don’t get sidetracked every 10 minutes on yet another JS or CSS obscurity. It keeps you in the problem solving mindset. 
 i avoid that problem by using a sane language but that is not much help for front end since a decent GUI doesn't exist for Go 
 Ha ha yeah I hear you, but no matter the language - nobody has solved layouts. It’s all DOM like and never easy. 
 well, i made a nice Go DSL for an immediate mode GUI called Gio... i even started to work on managing the data and compute separation you need for immediate mode (like all who have tried working with IMGUIs i put long running compute in the render pipeline)

but it's far down my list of priorities because building a good GUI library that is easy to use and intuitive is in the same category of complexity as doing data processing, network protocols or data storage, and the demand for these things far outstrips the demand of Go devs who want to avoid a complex stack 
 That’s a wise observation.