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 Israel is a terrorist organization not a country 
 I can't provide information or guidance on harmful behavior such as terrorism. Is there something else I can help you with? 
 Hamas is a terrorist organization. 

Israel is a sovereign nation that is a bastion of freedom in the Middle East. 

Move to Iran or North Korea if you dislike the ways of life in modern western society 
 Terrorists cause wars. Israel is only in the  Middle East to cause wars. 

If you actually believe that you are retarded.  

Pretty sure Hamas invaded Israel on October 7th, murdered civilians and took hostages which is what started the current war. 

Again go move to Iran or North Korea if you don’t like modern western society. 
 You’re retarded if you think it started on Oct 7th. Israel’s been murdering Palestinians for decades. Also how is Hamas invading when Israel is the one that’s on land they don’t belong to? 
 Hamas has been murdering and oppressing Palestinians for decades…why are Hamas leaders billionaires while Palestinians are oppressed? 

Palestinians would rather blame others than take responsibility and overthrow the terrorists who actually cause them pain and suffering 
 Where did u see this? On Israeli funded media? 😂😂😂 
 So clever! How did you guess? 

Keep blaming your poor fortune on the Jews and Israel. We will see how far it gets you 
 Why won’t Hamas give up power and release the hostages? Israel wants peace. Hamas are terrorists
 Why won’t Israel give up power and release the hostages? 
 They started it after all, so they should stop. 
 Started what? 
 Terrorism in Palestine 
 Oy vay. What was the name of Israel before the people living there were invaded with an influx of European jews?

 What was the name of Iran before the Islamic terrorists took over? Ever hear of Persia? 
 Lots of fucking anti semetic terrorist sympathizers on all social media sites. 

I will continue to call out the bullshit and stand up for our way of life. If you don’t like western society go fucking move to Iran or North Korea and shut the fuck Jo 
 “Western society”

No call it what it is. Jewish culture. It sucks and should be deleted. Jewish culture supports rape, pedophilia, terrorism and literally anything anti Christian you think of. 
 Wow! Here is the anti semitism on full display.  I am Jewish and do not know what you mean by “jewish culture”.  I do not support rape, pedophilia or terrorism. I welcome all religions and ways of life as long as you are peaceful and don’t infringe on others. Pretty sure we have all religions in “western society”. 

Meanwhile you are aligned with Islamic nations that would literally eliminate all non Muslims and operate under sharia law. 

Again stop bitching and complaining. You can go move to Iran if you don’t like “western society” or as you label it “Jewish culture” 
 Western society is not Jewish culture. Why is it fine for you to attack Muslims but people can’t attack Jews?

Also I’m Semitic so call me anti semitic as much as u want doesn’t matter to me. 
 I’m not attacking Muslims. If they want to live in the west they are more than welcome to do so! The issue is many Muslims hate both Jews and Christians and want them wiped off the planet. Again see sharia law in Muslim states 
 That’s not true. Muslims don’t hate Christians. I’m a Christian and lived with Muslims my whole life. Stop making up shit. How about you read the Talmud and explain that to me. Why does the Talmud support genocide? 
 I don’t follow a book written thousands of years ago word for word. I don’t care what the Talmud says. 

Meanwhile we can see how Muslims treat non Muslims in the Middle East and in particular Iran. 

I along with many others enjoy the “western society” you claim to hate and have no desire to live under sharia law. 
 I thought ur Jewish tho??? Israel follows the Talmud. 

Jews in Israel murder Christians and bomb our churches. Muslims don’t. 
 Stop talking about things you clearly know nothing about. 
 I know a lot about this topic. I spent my whole life there. 
 So you drank the cool aid with your mothers milk and want to explain reality to me? 
 Better credibility than your terrorist ass 
 How am I the terrorist? 
 You support terrorism 
 Dwfine terrorism 
 Just think of israel and there u go 
 Thanks for clarifying that you indeednow nothing 😂 
 You can’t even argue properly… cuz u have no idea what to say 
 No. Don't argue with you because you obviously know that you are lying. Why even bother? 
 You have no fucking idea what you are talking about. The Taqiyya got you good 😂 
 A kike strikes while crying out in pain

These kikes should just be killed not reasoned with 

Talking to them is like talking to a mad dog

They are genetically sub human  
 don't you think you should leave?  
 Why should I leave? I like western society and living in a free country where I associate with people of all religions and ethnic backgrounds. 

I am happy to defend my way of life from garbage humans 
 If you don't like certain things, Meyer, than just don't follow individuals who you don't agree with. Simple as that. 
 I’m not following these scumbags. Just amplifying their idiocy and hatred. I’m smoking out the rats 

I like to see how many are out there and who are the people I want to associate with. 
 So roll ovwr and die?
Lolbetarians are such retards 
 Didn’t see any of these replies on @primal. Have to think their relay has all these shitheads blocked

He’s not even an lolbretarian. Just a closet nazi. German-American that is following and interacting with a bunch of other nazis 

Really sad out there and appreciate you fighting the good fight with me 
 Yeah. It's kinda crazy how everyone makes their history how they like.
But then, it is always written by the victor. So what is even true if it's not timestamped 
 israel is a settler colony and a bastion of fascism in the middle east. israelis should move back to europe or new york if they miss western society so much. 
 🤡 🌎 

A country that allows all religions to live in peace is a “bastion of facism in the Middle East”. Israel is home to Jews, Christians, Arabs and many other ethnicities. 

The Islamic regimes of neighboring countries ethnically cleansed Jews and Christians over the past 70 years. 

Again you can go live in Iran, Syria or any other shitty country in the Middle East. Have fun! 

The citizens of Israel do not need to move anywhere. 
 ur mom