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 I tried to learn to code last year. 

HTML and CSS felt quite intuitive. I felt confident 💪

Then Javascript reminded me that I'm a people person, not a techie, and i should stay in my lane 😩
 give Python a try 
 The main problem is my dire lack of very basic tech knowledge. I'd read something and have to Google 50% of the words in every sentence. Felt like I was swimming through treacle!  😂 
 I can relate so much but hey, everyone starts somewhere. One step at a time =) 
 I toy with the idea of giving it another go. Maybe I will. 
 learning from a book is difficult, best is to have a coding teacher 
 Exactly this 👏 I learn best when I have someone who I can ask questions to. Sadly I don't 😥  
 What about starting with a problem you want to solve with coding? Then you can pick a language to begin with and maybe you like it 🤔 
 This is a very good idea. Thank you 🙏 
 The great thing now is you can be a coder who doesn't know how to code. Use AI prompts and it'll eventually get you to where you want to be. Will make errors but it can fix its own errors well. 
 Hadn't even considered using AI. This is great advice. Thanks 🫶 
 You could always go back to the ‘80’s and start with Basic LOL…programming sprites is fun…maybe 🤦‍♂️ 
 I keep telling myself that teenagers can do this, so surely I can. I think maybe my brain just works differently. People are just so much easier to understand 😂 
 We are all wired differently.

Instead of focusing on the “coding” or more specifically the “what” to be creative in, focus on:

1. Being creative (the process itself)
2. Adding (creating) value

Another way to solve for this would be to deploy Jim Collin’s Hedgehog Concept

Are you familiar with that?

(If not it’s basically a ven diagram)

A. What can I be the best in my world at? (in your own words, People and I’d add, thus Relationships)

B. What are you deeply passionate about?

C. What drives your economic engine?

Answer those and you’ll probably find it isn’t coding! So don’t force a square object into a round hole.

Align yourself with the above and you will see the value creation flow.

 Thank you Jason for this thoughtful reply. I'm not familiar with the theory but that makes total sense. Initially I was learning it just to understand it, rather than to build something specific. I think this made the process more difficult. Someone else suggested I decide in something I'd like to build first. That seems to be the way 🫶 
 Certainly having a use case can facilitate the learning process.

Project based learning…

Also it never hurts to learn! I know enough to be dangerous in many areas LOL…which also means I know when to hire a professional 🤣

But being able to communicate and have a conversation around topics even at a basic level is actually a ginormous people skill.

So perhaps frame your efforts in that regard…becoming a better people person by understanding someone else’s domain…THAT could be your project! 
 You're a wise man Jason. Appreciate you 🫶 
 Framing this and sending to my wife when I need backup 🤣 
 This isn't your fault, it's Javascripts fault which is a shit language  
 Aww you're too kind 😂 What language would you recommend for a noob?  
 Sadly you basically don't have a choice if you wanna make websites, you must learn the shit language 😞 
 It's a mindset thing though, right? I need to not be intimidated by it. Coding is the language of the future. I'm gonna have to suck it up and learn it. 
 In my experience, the only way to be a reasonably good coder is to actually enjoy it, it can't be a rational decision. That nerd spirit needs to be deep inside already. It shouldn't require any will power to keep going, you will naturally be drawn/addicted to it 
 That makes sense. Don't think I'll ever be a good coder by that rationale 😭 I'd still like to have a basic grasp though 🤞 
 I find Javascript sucks less if you use the JQuery libraries.

Python is a better, more versatile language and CAN be used in websites via brython. 

(I haven't actually used this beyond proof of concept, and it still requires some javascript)

 All roads lead to javascript huh? 😅 I'm gonna learn it. I'm determined 💪 
 You can do it!

Start with a plan to accomplish something simple. I learned from the cringey tutorials on w3schools and elsewhere :p 
 Appreciate the vote of confidence 🫶 
 I think it’s having immediate results (html) vs much longer process (coding) that works.
 ♥️ html is such a great way to drop into a flow state! And if that’s what you get from it… so much value there! Creation is akin to divinity! ♥️

Also, I wouldn’t be too hard on yourself about JS. JS was a pain in the ass. I actually have a theory that learning certain code requires some level of personal neural network rewiring. I took a lot of logic classes in undergrad and I feel like I drew a lot from that way of thinking (ie. If… then…) for learning JS. 

I do agree with anyone who told you figure out what you’re trying to build. one time I was working with devs who spent so much time learning rust only to realize they needed solidity training. Knowing the goal helps you know the steps for sure. Measure twice, cut once. ♥️ 
 Thanks for this Gel! And you're right. Html was actually really enjoyable to learn. I actually surprised myself at how quickly I grasped it but the ol' JS soon knocked me off my perch 😅 I have such admiration and appreciation for the devs of the world 👏  
 Same! 👏🏼 super grateful for devs 
 ha ha. Very brave! I came from tech to people. I admit, people are rather complex than computer. 🤣 But I have learned to appreciate both worlds! ☺️