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 Am in a hotel room in Hamburg. It is 11am, and the government is testing the emergency alert system and never mind the mobile phones going apeshit, those air raid sirens are giving me the cold shudders and a bad 1980s flashback ...!

(It's a scheduled test announced last week, there'll be another—an all clear—in 45 minutes.) 
 But: "you are in a West German city and suddenly the nuclear attack sirens start wailing" is totally a Threads moment and DO NOT WANT. 
You don't have those in the UK? Norway does it twice a year, on the first (second?) Wednesday of January and June, 12:00. 
 @0c1a9324 i was once as a teenager in the 80s in paris and they had different test-alarms than i had known from germany (and theirs where our real ones!). for a few minutes i really thought this was it and i found me running in the suburbs totally freaking out. than i looked around and found everybody else very calm going about their business 😂 
 @0c1a9324 As far as I know, most of the sirens in Hamburg are near the harbour. With the decrease in lurable sea crews, they seem to have switched their alignment and are now singing to give (mostly) flood warnings. 
DOn't forget to always check the skies for red party balloons before panicking.