India's Economic Growth and Global Influence: Projections and Manufacturing Prowess =============== #cf8b19f3 ver:0.9 India's economic growth projections show it on track to become the world's fourth-largest economy by 2024-25, surpassing Japan. Experts predict that India could even become the third-largest economy by 2027-28 if it sustains its growth trajectory. The country's manufacturing prowess, transition to green energy, and booming consumer market are driving its rise as a global economic superpower. However, concerns about the reliability of India's GDP figures and the need for alternative measures to assess economic well-being have been raised. #IndiaEconomy #GlobalInfluence #ManufacturingProwess... #newstr #India #Economy #EconomicGrowth #GlobalRecession #Inflation #Imf #WorldBank #RatingAgencies #Oecd #Exports #ForeignDirectInvestment #Manufacturing #DigitalRevolution #RenewableEnergy