Michael Bay - explosions and titties geared toward age 12-17 boys.
Christopher Nolan - High concept think pieces meant to show off Nolan's new angle of some of his favorite bridges.
Tarantino - badasses doing things that distract you from Tarantino's foot fetish.
Zack Snyder - slow motion scenes of epic action interspersed with slow motion scenes of rural diaspora and the simple life in attempt to create the modern mythical tale a la Homer's Odyssey or the epic of Gilgamesh.
David Lynch - working through his own personal traumas in the public eye through dream work meditation and art. Literally the same characters in different situations but always the same themes and people.
Tim Burton - spooky Halloweenie gateway drug which leads to David Lynch.
Alejandro Jodorowski - Chilean-French David Lynch
Andrei Tarkovsky - Russian David Lynch which is the last stop on that drug train where you went from "of it's just pot" all the way down to huffin a bag of poop while you suck a dick to score some of that sweet baby laxative you crave so good.
I see a future follywood tours director! lfg
Jodorowsky and Tarkovsky done dirty here lol