4/ "Disabled people are expected to 1) cope cheerfully and positively accept their role as #disabled person; 2) pull ourselves together, minimizing the effect of #disability on our activities & colleagues; 3) strive to improve our condition & “get well” (if you think this seems diametrically opposed to expectation 1, you’re not the only one); 4) look after yourself with as little support as possible; 5) focus on recovery to return to or maintain employment" @chronicillness @spoonies @disability
5/ “I thought you were getting better?” can hit like the pointy end of a very sharp sword sometimes. It feels accusatory. Like we’re being accused of not trying hard enough, that not getting better is somehow a personal failing, or even that we’re maybe just pretending that we’re as bad as we are for that imaginary #disabled bonus that many non-disabled people believe to exist." #chroniclife #hiddenillness #invisibleillness @3567457b @04c95879 #Spoonie #ChronicallyIll #MEcfs #postcovid