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 Ok, so today I found out my 8 year olds Youtube channel has 96 videos and some of them have thousands of views. 🤩😁

He started this about a year ago. I'm so proud of him. I haven't ever had to tell him to do it and I don't even help him upload or anything. I'm amazed and just so impressed. 🚀

#proudmummoment #parenting #selfled #selfdirected #unschooling #worldschooling 
 Awesome! Kids are amazing 🐶🐾🫂🎉🎉🎉 
 When hubby asked me how many videos I thought son had, I totally thought like 30 max 🤣😅 
 Wow, that's some dedication! My 8yo talks a lot about becoming Youtuber. I am not so sure about that 😅 
 Agreed. I had no idea he was so dedicated. 🤩 
 Wow! You’re doing the lord’s work. So encouraging to see the future is in good hands 
 I'm very grateful to be his mama. I'm beyond blessed 💛🥰🥰🥰 
 I love hearing these stories too. Teaches them all sorts of life skills - what works / what doesn’t - proof of work :)

My 8 year old sells golf balls he finds in the local golf course 🏌️ 
 Wow now that is super cool! You son is very entrepreneurial 🤩🤩🤩