This is very cool and I would love to use it. But pasting my nsec isn't something I'm willing to do anymore given NIP-07 and NIP-46 have been around for a while and I'm app setup to use either of those methods.
I won't do it either but I'm sure they will figure out @Alby and NWC etc. Still, if you look close you can see that many of the entries have it's own nevent. Layer3 seems pretty entwined with nostr.
【SAPIXさん、プリントの整理が大変なんですけど!→公式の教える「対処法」が衝撃だった…】 🎉 “王者”の異名を持つSAPIXの広野雅明先生に「中学受験の素朴な疑問」をぶつけた。第1回(全12回)では「プリント整理が大変すぎる問題」についてSAPIXの見解を… #ライフ・社会 👍
Anarchist Meditation2 🔥 #test2