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 Holy Crap! Seasteading looks like it's finally starting to take off!

I've been closely following Seasteading since 2010 and eventually I got to the point where I was numb to all project announcements because no floating platforms ever materialized. Then in 2019 there was a brief moment of hope with Elwar's little house on the water, at least until the Thai Navy attacked, and things quickly went back to zero.

But that was somehow enough to start a new revolution in seasteading. Four years later and now we have a plethora of projects that are actually taking shape!

Here's what's got me excited for seasteading again:

1. Sam's barge-based Seastead now floating in the Indian Ocean. (You can see it in this crowdfunding video for a documentary about it: ) https://geyser.fund/project/floatingcity

2. Ocean Builders begins selling their Deep Water pods that have the underwater room, fit for deep-sea seasteading!  (You can watch them lowering the new type of spar here: )

3. Most encouraging of all, Ocean Builders has also announced that they have already backlogged over 300 (!) orders for their seapods in varying configurations. They are now moving into their 'sea neighborhoods' stage of planning. (Watch OB President Chad Elwartowski explain it here:)

These three things are happening now, not at some far off date in the unproven future. By this time next year I hope to see a neighborhood of seasteaders floating off Panama and several barges linked together hosting a budding deep-sea neighborhood in the Indian Ocean as well. These are both things I never could hope before now would happen in the forseeable future.

And hey, don't forget all those other juicy projects at the seasteading instutute: https://www.seasteading.org/active-projects/ Surely one or two of those will pan out too! 