new "Note extension" is now live, allowing you to take notes and post them to Nostr whenever you want.
Drafts will be stored locally offline, and it won't restart or crash while you're writing notes.
Currently, it posts to the top 30 relays, but in the future, it will be able to post to personal or all the existing relays.
Currently it is supported on Android, Mac, PC and Linux. IOS support is also coming today.
Thats a nice feature! Sometimes was painful to write whatever thing and then lost it for whatever random reason. Thanks for that! 🙏
I was thinking that some way to improve it its adding markdown preview, button to upload images, and some handy tools to write comfortably.
It will have all these features, it will be a fully functional client just for posting notes both long form, short form.
إضافة جديدة في نوستر في و هي إمكانية كتابة منشورات و حفظها في المسودات او Drafts و حفظها في وضع عدم الاتصال و قريبا سيتمكن الشخص من نشر المسودات في نشرها