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  The first thing we did was set up a few basic pieces of equipment. We got the camera, of course, but we also needed some lights to shine on our subjects. Since we didn’t have any professional lighting equipment, we decided to use some old lamps from my grandmother’s house. They were a bit rusty and covered in dust, but they would do for now.

We also needed a backdrop to put our models against, so we used a piece of black fabric that I had lying around. It wasn’t the best quality, but it was better than nothing. We hung it up on a wall using some old clothes hangers that my grandmother had given me.

Finally, we needed something to sit or stand on while we were shooting. Since we didn’t have any stools or chairs, we used some old crates that I had found in the basement of my grandfather’s house. They were a bit wobbly and hard to climb onto, but they did the job.

Once we had all our equipment set up, we were ready to start shooting. We started with some simple portraits of my friends, using the camera’s auto focus feature to make sure everything was sharp. It wasn’t perfect, but it was good enough for a first attempt.

Next, we decided to try some landscape shots of the woods behind my grandmother’s house. We used a wider angle lens this time, and tried to get a sense of depth by shooting from different distances. The results were mixed – some of the pictures turned out great, while others were too blurry or too dark.

After that, we decided to take a break and grab some lunch. We went down the street to a local diner that had been recommended by my grandmother’s friends. It was a bit out of the way, but it was worth it for the delicious burgers and fries.

Once we were back home, we decided to try our hand at some still life shots. We used some old vases and flowers that I had found in my grandmother’s garden, along with a piece of silverware that my grandfather had given me. It wasn’t the most interesting subject matter, but it was something to work with.

We spent the rest of the afternoon experimenting with different lighting and angles, trying to get the best possible results. We didn’t take any pictures of each other that day, but we did manage to capture some beautiful moments of nature and still life.

As the sun started to set, we packed up our equipment and headed back down the street to my grandmother’s house. She was waiting for us with a fresh pot of tea and some homemade cookies, which we devoured as we looked through our photos.

Overall, it wasn’t the most successful photography session we had ever had, but it was definitely a learning experience. We learned about lighting and composition, about working with different subjects, and most importantly, about having fun and being creative. And that was all that really mattered.