@9a8f090b @8f56b62c — we’ve helped one chick and one duck. The chick ended up with a super gimpy leg and we culled at about a week old. The duckling ended up okay, but was super weak at first. Good on your mamma hen! How old is she? Out oldest are only about 1-1/2 years and we’ve seen very little broodiness so far. 😕
She's about 2yrs old. Shoot I've been dealing with broody hens since they started laying. I break one then the next one starts. That's why I just let this one have them. It was too hot to put her in quarantine. I've got another one trying to be broody RN too. It's contagious @205381b6 @8f56b62c
@9a8f090b — interesting. What breed are they? We’re not much into the eggs and more want a self-regenerating flock we can occasionally cull for meat. Ours are all Dominiques; apparently broodiness varies wildly depending on the lines. @8f56b62c
They are Easter eggers/Buff orphington crossed with mix Bantam something and Easter egger so basically my own mixed breed I've created lol I will probably start to cull a few a year so I will try to keep the bigger ones going or maybe just do a separate pen for meat birds, not sure yet. @205381b6 @8f56b62c