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 Been thinking about scaling in #Bitcoin vs #Ethereum lately. Gotta say, I'm not sold on the whole #rollup thing.

Rollups basically create a separate blockchain. Even with trustless bridges, you're splitting your ecosystem. It's like having two competing universes instead of one cohesive system.

Bitcoin's approach with Lightning and Ark? Way more fluid. These are just unconfirmed txs we choose not to broadcast, protected by some clever counterfactual schemes. 

Take Ark: mempool empty? Just send on-chain. Congested? Join an Ark round. Same wallet, smooth transition. It's all one system, not two competing layers.

This is why I think Bitcoin's scaling smarter. It's not about adding more blockchains, it's about making the base layer more efficient and powerful.

Curious what you all think. Are rollups really the future, or is #Bitcoin onto something better here? 🤔 
 My 2 sats.
The question might be why do we need to scale? Is it improving the current functionalities of bitcoin (faster transactions, denser transactions…) or is it about new/different functionalities? 
Maybe rollups are not suited for scaling core bitcoin functionalities. 
I must say I have not yet experienced a situation where I needed a smart contract chain. 
Confidential transactions might be an exemple. 
** From a casual observer of the space ** 
 I agree. The lightning/ark/mainchain compatibility allows for much better UX in the long run. It also shifts the innovation more to wallet developers than to protocol devs. 
 As it should. The base layer should be a simple, solid foundation. All the other tradeoffs and features should come by way of layers. 
 That being said having a castrated Bitcoin Script is not helping in making these layers ergonomic for light clients, hence they promote centralization into custodians 
 Besides being different blockchains, it's different blockchains each owned by a different company with very limited interest in benefitting the whole ecosystem on behalf of their own pockets.