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 It’s illegal for me to buy raw milk but I can go into a store and buy a carton of cigarettes no problem. 
 So you want cigarettes to be baned too? 🤪 
 Yes, ban everything! 😆 
 Haters gonna hate 🤣 
 try to find raw tobacco 
 lol, as if that would matter too. What a stupid fucking govt we have 
 Regulatory capture. Raw milk has no corporate Boogeymen to tax, fine, and accept bribes from (lobbying). Therefore, like Bitcoin, raw milk is a most dangerous thing to the state...the consumer isn't protected, but the corporate lobbyists and state are. Statists gonna state. 
 You could also buy formula for the little one made out of corn syrup and soybean oil. (He's probably past that stage by now, but just saying...)

Poison with an FDA stamp of approval? all good
Food that humans have been drinking for millennia? Illegal

It's so absurd. 
 You can buy fentynal and heroine here but not raw milk or incandescent light bulbs. Those are illegal. #clownworld 
 Alcohol. I can buy gallons of it  
 I’m West Virginia you can’t even sell raw milk for pets, only as a soil amendment. Wild that west va of all places is more restrictive lol 
 Find an organic milk farmer and call it “Pet” milk.  They are around.  But yes, the system is totally screwed up.  They don’t want us in taking good foods.  Just the stuff that gets us on an RX. 
 Raw milk can quickly go sour … change the food stream & let’s go back to milk maids 
 Everything that’s real food can go bad really fast… but I’ll accept the milk maid option. 
 Yay. Then worship the pussy. 
 Then you make sour milk biscuits with real flour. 
 Raw (i perfer the term fresh) milk never goes bad. It just changes form. 
 Touche too Shay… milk @ curds 
 Raw milk lobby needs to up their game 
 I would prefer if we choose to buy it anyways. Set up grey markets selling it as soil amendment or pet food.
Maybe we set up regional homesteading and gardening clubs. This would likely attract a wide range of people. If a good amount of the club is buying milk maybe local politics get influenced. Would they arrest 200 people buying raw milk? 

We are free, now let's act like it. 
 No they raid the seller but yolo  
 I do think we could figure how to get this more accepted. Everyone needs to do a risk benefit analysis before getting into this space. The seller takes on more risk than buyers. Would you consider buying it if you are not put on a customer list? 

How did raiding marijuana growers go long term? Yes many people got fucked, but now it is legal to some degree all over the US. Why is that? The people have decided they wanted it. 

If I just keep asking myself 'how can I acquire raw milk?' Eventually my subconscious will come up with solutions that I may or may not implement. 

Maybe going down the raw milk as medicine path would work. It did with marijuana.  
 I sold raw milk before closing my micro dairy for another profession.  

Peeps will find you.  But you need to network in the meatspace, and not burn bridges--looking at all the ladies here, and most men  
 I only have 10 acres, so I'm not looking into milk production. If i did i would only work with people i know, mostly other homesteaders. I'm focused more on meat and eggs for now. 

My project for the week is to make and distribute flyers for a homestead and garden club. I can see many benefits to a monthly meeting. If I happen to find a milk source cool, but I still benifit otherwise. I will ask people to email me with three things the club could do. Seed and scion swaps, chicken processing class, networking, farm tours, ect... 
 Meant the sellers will find you🤙  
 In #Virginia we have vicfa.org

 Just buy it anyway. 
 They say Comfrey is deadly poisonous, but you should spray your food with glyphosphate, because that's safe.  
 You're beginning to see through the veil… 
 Cow share or pets milk/treat. 
 Pure tobacco is the way to go. 
 Wild, I didn't know raw milk was illegal in some places. No trouble getting it here in California. 
 We can easily get a lot of those here.  
 the system hates us and wants us sick 
 Sounds like a political issue.