Oddbean new post about | logout
 The "connected with your server" part is the issue. 
Do I need to create a Topic on the server first? And then have the app subscribe to it?

Anyway if there was a simple step guide, that would help 
 It depends on the server implementation. With NTFY, you don't need to create a topic.  
 Yes, ntfy. Alright figured it out. Here are the steps:

1) Install ntfy from F-Droid
2) If you have already done so, and there are entries that are of the form ntfy.sh/xGH... ➡️ Delete them
3) In ntfy app > Settings > Default Server: change to your self hosted url (e.g https://ntfy.mydomain.tld)
4) In Amethyst, log in with Amber, and follow the poop up steps. The process will make the ntfy app to create a new subscription, but this time to your server (not ntfy.sh) 
 Did it work?  
 Hmm, I was able to sign into Amethyst, and browse, open DMs etc. 

But in the ntfy app, where it did automatically create the subscription, it also just says "Connecting..."

Is there any specific way to test it's doing what it's supposed to? I literally learned Amber + ntfy .. and have little clue what to do