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 I've noticed huge difference with sun exposure after dumping seed oils. Prior I thought I have some sort of sun allergy (with my pale skin getting all sorts of spots after 20 min in full sun).
Last two years I've been sitting in the sun for hours without any burns or spots. Also I've ditched sunglasses - when you block certain UV lights your body thinks it's night time so it doesn't adapt to sunlight the way it should. 
 I used to get these itchy hive-like bumps on my chest when out in the sun shirtless. I also thought I was "allergic to the sun" (though I'm not pale. Italian descent). 
Now you're making me realize this didn't happen this summer, and this also happens to be the summer that I started avoiding seed oils...
I'm not ready to call that conclusive just yet, but it sure is an interesting correlation.. 
 ...and just wait until you try a carnivore diet!..😯😎🥰 
 Agree with person

Sugars are not the issue in my mind.

Polyunsaturated fats may be the problem as they are easy to oxidise.

The more Polyunsaturated the fats the easier it damages with heat and light.

Olive oil has to be put in a dark tinted bottle to not have the fat damaged and it is mostly monounsaturated. Imagine an omega 3 Polyunsaturated from fish with many weak double bonds between carbon atoms. 

The molecules in seed oils change with sunlight and heat.. that's how plants know when to germinate.

Don't be afraid to eat cards and saturated fat.

Maybe try reduce intake of Polyunsaturated oils  
 Sugar is most definitely the culprit with polyunsaturated (omega 6) seeds oils also a major contributor.  Dr. Seyfried is the best cancer doctor out there today.  Research his cancer reversing protocols, they begin with a zero carb diet with a glutamine inhibitor drug... 
 That view has been round for over a decade now - The idea being that cancer can't grow with out glutamine and glucose. This is why fasting has a similar effect on the slowing of some cancer growth.

Otto warrburg (the goat) discovered the dysfunction in the mitochondria across all cancers where they were unable to perform properly cellular respiration (burn glucose with oxygen) and instead used glycolysis (fermenting the sugar and producing lactate)

What started the dysfunction in the first place?
Generally the cell being damaged or better to think of its inability to withstand damage or irritation.

The correlation between high polyunsaturated fat consumption and increase cancer risk is real. Sugar is a decoy.

If your cells structure is that of weak carbon chains (the double bonds which aren't saturated with hydrogen I.e unsaturated) they will be much more prone to damage.

Compare Fats in  coconut oil vs olice oil 
Saturated vs monounsatured

Compare fats in a cow vs a fish.
Saturated vs polyunsaturated.
Which of these examples can sit in the sun or in an open jar at room temperature.

Don't fall for the anti sugar hype. Sugar fructose, glucose, lactose and it's combinations are utilised incredibly well in a cells generation of ATP ( body's energy). It's a complex mechanism that we developed over our creation.

The consumption of polyunsaturated fats other then the milligrams found in a few veggies we ate, has exponentially increased.

Never have humans been exposed these levels through history. Even as careful diner your intake would be 50 times that of your ancestors.

The whole point of Vitamin E is prevent the peroxidation of unsaturated fats.

The whole point of niacinamide is to help in the atp creation from glucose (sugar)

Both now used in skin repair and protection.

Sugar is not your enemy. Never was

Eat fruit, beef and lamb and go enjoy the sun.

Tropical fruits are best 👌
(Posting as someone who is a melanin deficient person living in a Tropical climate)
 That's fantastic Alex!  Good on you..💜