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Marce | 5 months ago (raw) | export | reply | flag +141 -1
 Here's a hard pill to swallow...

#Nostr is not just a social media platform to replace [insert centralized SM here] because your bigotry and anti-woke ideas will be censored... your conservative bullshit thoughts are the last thing we need to concern ourselves with protecting.

Decentralized protocols are built so that people in oppressed governments can communicate freely, so your basic Google research of homosexual porn is not saved on some server that will later come back to haunt your homophobic public self.

Decentralized protocols, privacy, censorship-resistant tools are here to aid our data, our freedom of choice, to give a voice back to all of those who have been unjustly oppressed. If all you do is sit all day, shitposting stupid comments on how you are the better bitcoiner or nostrich because you run your own node, have never been KYCed, and throw hate at whatever tools and makeshift efforts others are using to try and build a future, you are not a better human, you are part of the problem, you are just loud, creating division and hate.

FOSS is for everyone, and it should be used in the ways people can with the tools they have. Nothing infuriates me more than people so blinded by their own privilege that they can't understand that those who need the tools the most can't use them as easily as they can because of LIFE AND REASONS! 
 bigotry & anti-woke = conservative? 

Seems like some broad strokes 🤷‍♂️ 
 I am not saying they all come together, but some of the things I've been reading come from people that put it all together... they are not mutually exclusive 
 Gotcha.  Free speech tech doesn't only help the disenfranchised, it also exposes the dummies. But it necessarily can't treat either differently. I get what you're saying though 
 Agree with you! Thanks 🙏  
 Seems like you might be missing the point. 
 Eh, maybe. I don't think I am though?... I believe Marce is saying freedom tech isn't important so that people can spout hateful nonsense. Which I agree with. Freedom tech is important because it gives everyone a voice. Full stop.  Any classification of said speech, from a system design standpoint, would be counter productive imo. 

But my original comment was just pointing out that there are obviously conservatives that aren't bigots and there are obviously anti-woke folks that aren't bigots (which I now know is not what she meant).  
 i got no privilege, i wasn't able to work on my coding skills between 2010 and 2016 because i was homeless, so don't talk to me about privilege 
 If you are not blinded by your privilege then no need to feel attacked about a post talking about ppl blinded by privilege... 
 i don't see it like that

i don't define anything by the whims of the master

privilege literally means not ok but allowed by the owner

go look it up 
 Suscribo ✅ 
 I see that you are passionate. At the same time, I might need some clarification on what you are trying to convey. You touch on a lot of ideas in this note.  
 Decentralized protocols and privacy are for people in oppressive governments AND asshole racists alike. These tools are blank slates. 

I get that you’re angry about seeing certain worldviews here. I get angry when I encounter some of the same ones. But you sound just like them when you try to gatekeep who Nostr is for.

It will not work. 
Mute what you don’t like. 
 Maybe you missed this:

"Decentralized protocols are built so that people in oppressed governments can communicate freely, so your basic Google research of homosexual porn is not saved on some server that will later come back to haunt your homophobic public self."

I am saying it's for everyone alike and what bothers me is people telling them they are not using it correctly because they are using things the best way they can with whatever little they can. 
 Yes — I missed where you said “not just” instead of “not” in the first paragraph. Sorry about that.
I had seen further in what you wrote where it seemed you were trying to say it was for everyone, and it seemed incongruous.

I agree, the “you’re doing it wrong” crowd is irritating.  I think some of them mean it lightheartedly, though. 
 Could be language barrier, but "not just a social media" is not the same as saying "a social media not just for".
However the spirit of the note was very clear, and closer to your original interpretation.
Especially the part that says "your conservative bullshit thoughts are the last thing".

 Que se passe t-il donc? 

Avons nous loupé des notes  qui ont dû susciter vos propos et cette colère exprimée !?
 Saving this to read asap! 
how can we get your position of deciding what everything means for everyone else?
where do we apply?
 Those people you are talking to sold think it’s great that you’re able to use FOSS tools and agree anyone should be able to use them

And the only one I’m seeing expressing any hate is you, for them 
 any great power, comes with great responsibility.
those who use it to build better are generally the ones who gain audiences. 
they makes laugh, sing, dance, think and even cry. it's all borne out of love not hate. most people know the difference.

the rest ..... its all just white noise.
ditto  @reltbracco 
 If you think markets are crazy now, just remember     The Everything Bubble is just warming up.

This is the phase we've been preparing for since the lows of late 2022 

If you haven’t join (RCL) vip group yet you’re missing out. they are doing a great job in demystifying biases in #Bitcoin and bringing clarity to controversies, you can easily 174x your portfolio with the arbitrage algorithm integration in longterm interval.

vip group: https://t.me/rebelcapitalistshow

Source: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kX7inr8yy1s 
 Dont tell me what to do on a decentralized platform. Dont define my experience with your retarded take. 

 Don’t read, don’t comment ? And absolutely proving her point. Idiot. 
 Oh i read it. And I stand by it. Nigger  
 🥳  500 years of fucked up history behind this word and you can’t even build one sentence without it to make your whiny lill point. 
 look at this programmed moronic dbag 
 Count to 10, #bitcoin is for everyone, people are going to be people bad or good, the good thing is #bitcoin doesn’t care.

Check JeffBooth I got his emotions at the end, really good 
 Does this mean you don't like guns and steak?  
 Feisty! Followed 
 +1 for decentralization. But the next thing that we have to do is try to prevent Nostr clients from being shut down.

Because governments WILL go after them eventually, just like they go after Telegram and Signal. It is not a matter of if, but when.

Nostr will be extremely successful but does it have the resilience of Bitcoin? We shall see. Or maybe better not to wait and see but to go out to protect the clients, relays, and messages. 
 No, that's the point, it can't be shut down.
Remember, there's always Tor to access it. 
 you probably don't like listening to country music, do you? 
 Yes yes yesssss 
 I don't swallow every pill I'm offered.

This one says "freedom is for everyone, except people with conservative thoughts who shitpost, run a node, and give feedback on the tools they're being encouraged to use... those people are blind stupid bigots, closet homosexuals, part of 'the problem', and should be oppressed more before they earn the right to participate... which isn't creating division or hate in any way, because they don't need the tools as much".

Seems more toxic than the fictional condition it is being prescribed for.

Good morning. 
 No, you missed the part where it says it’s for you to be all that and others who are not that and try their best to do something with what little they have 
 Bigotry and pseudoscience are a #bitcoin cultural affinity scam 🤙 
 The blinded by privilege bit was my favourite 
 freedom tools are freedom tools for everyone. we can all have are own idealized reason for "wHy nOsTr", but in the end its here for ALL of us. 

 the people who need it most, are not on nostr, nor using bitcoin and foss tools.... it is unfortunate, but true. 
 Not caring for freedom of speech, as the ideas or topics don't seem important to you is what leads to the country becoming authoritarian hellhole you fear the most. 
 It's ok, not everyone is good at reading comprehension... 
 Right now those oppressive governments would get nostr users IPs and addresses easily as nostr clients don't help people to be anonymous. Most don't use VPN. 

Instead of welcoming people to use protocol and make it grow, you show your bias and hostility towards people who's ideas you dont like. Very fiat mindset Marce. 
 Probably the dumbest shit I’ll read all day 
 What a stupid take. Who the fuck are you to pick who freedom is for and how people should use their freedom? Get humble. 
 you are just going to have to put up with listening to the opinion of the average joe. There's no elitist overlords round here to distort reality. 
 1 - this is dumb, you are mixing things. Conservatism is not a problem by itself, indeed, it is a solution in many aspects of our moral lives that put us on the track of healthy mind, body and relations between people.

2 - Progressist leftists, in the most, is not that they are "not using new freedom technologies" because their life circunstances does not allows them, but it is because they are confortble with censorship and oppression, since they are alligned with status quo, with NWO agenda.

3 - Yes, there are people whose life circunstances difficult them, acces to freedom technologies, and as you say, nobody here should behave in an arrogant way because "can do this or that".

 Privilege is a meaningless, simplistic, over moralizing, and an absolutely retarded concept. 
 It's fun to see who actually read your note and who jumped to conclusions based on how they perceived you and your note. 
I fully agree though, freedom is for everyone, not just those that prescribe to your specific form of bullshit, whatever form of bullshit that may be. And I am just as free to disagree with someone as I am to agree with them. And with my freedom and OBVIOUS privilege, I should be fighting for the freedom of those around me that aren't as privileged.  
 kill yourself already. 
 Fallacious and hypocritical reasoning with a lot of retarded virtue signaling spliced in. Muted 
 Fuck right off commie. Projection overload. Go back to your padded legacy echo chamber.

Thanks for aggregating like-minded people to follow in the comments though. 👍 
 Self-righteous rant of a hypocritical and privilegded ass. Muted. 
 Freedom for everyone: yes. 
 This has been, by far, one of the most ratio'd notes I've ever seen on Nostr.
The lack of "concern with protecting thoughts deemed wrong" is the key part here, as it reveals the intention to unprotect notes ("thoughts") according to parameters established by an authoritative minority.
Sounds to me like the people crying "tyranny" are the ones trying to create their own little tyranny here on Nostr.
 What she said.

 You had me at porn. 
Your retarded. 
 Spot on. Relay that 🤙💜🔥

That's a follow from me. 
 🎯 Relay that 🤙💜🔥

That's a follow from me.


 She’s wonderful 🩷 
 So are you, so that's an easy follow 💜 
 Well, that’s exactly the point, you can’t censor nor cancel any pov on Nostr, like you could on other media, even if I agree with you that freedom is for everyone, it obviously includes "conservatives homophobic" people either you like it or not. 

This right-left endless fight is completely pointless, no matter your beliefs/gender/skincolor/sexual orientation/any other differences you could tell, we all have the same enemy here. 

Your post is just a proof that you are as close minded as the people you describe. 

So I will respectfully disagree with you and wish you a good day, hoping we could one day bypass all this nonsense and fight hand in hand against the real threat. 
 Freedom for everyone..... Except those you disagree with