🧵 "17 Things I Don’t Admit on Bad Days With Chronic Fatigue*" https://themighty.com/topic/chronic-illness/hidden-truths-of-what-chronic-fatigue-feels-like/ *Note that she clarifies "people with many illnesses experience chronic fatigue, but it should not be confused with #chronicfatiguesyndrome / #myalgicencephalomyelitis, a distinct diagnosis that also includes #chronicfatigue as a symptom." @3567457b @04c95879 #fatigue #chronicillness #chroniclife #Spoonielife #hiddenillness #invisibleillness #ChronicIllnesses #Spoonies #Spoonie #ChronicallyIll 1/ https://assets.disabled.social/media_attachments/files/111/069/858/735/964/193/original/40bdf0e7ac178813.png
2/ "1. 'I procrastinate showers because they’re just too much work, especially now with a central line. I don’t brush my hair between showers because it kills my arms, and my muscles get extremely fatigued and hurt. I really need help but hate asking for help and feeling like a burden.” @3567457b @04c95879 #fatigue #chronicillness #chroniclife #Spoonielife #hiddenillness #invisibleillness #ChronicIllnesses #Spoonies #Spoonie #ChronicallyIll