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 Oldie But A Goodie Question!

You can have dinner with anyone no longer living, who is it and why? 

Judy Garland. I would love to listen to all of her old Hollywood (embellished) stories. She was one of my favorites. 

My partner who left us far too soon and too young a year ago  😔 … and why? because it was my purpose of being 💔

 @3fe52772 This is going to sound so sappy.. my mother-in-law. Her grandkids are starting to hit their adult strides over the last 18 months since she passed, and it would be wonderful to catch her up on that. 

Plus, if it was, say, David Bowie, I'd just sit there and go "guh, buh, duh" the whole time. 

He wasn’t famous, but I’d like to have dinner with my father to learn the real scoop about his/our family.  I discovered many years after his death that he wasn’t, as claimed, French, but instead the Polish son of 19th century immigrants who settled in MI and PA to work the mines. Because of the social stigma Eastern European immigrants lived with, he later denied all connection with his heritage and family. I’d also like it if he cooked the dinner - he was a fabulous cook!  He died when I was 20. 
 @3fe52772 Michael Collins. 

As the head of Ireland's intelligence effort against the British he was at one point he was the most wanted man in Europe... yet he rode his bicycle around Dublin. He was also the Minister of Finance. 

He negotiated a peace treaty with Churchill for Irish independence. 

After the Anglo-Irish war was over he was the Commander in Chief of Irish Forces during the Irish Civil War and head of the first provisional government of the Irish Free State. 

He was killed in an ambush during the Civil War in 1922. He was just 31.



 @3fe52772 Pablo Neruda so we can talk about fascism. 
 @3fe52772 Sophie Scholl. I have so many questions and tons of admiration. 
 @3fe52772 Joe Strummer. I think he'd be both fun and thought provoking. Plus I could thank him for all the music. 

Ummmm uh would they wake up screaming and decaying at a rapid pace or is it like on a different plane of existence??? 

If the latter, Roger Ebert. I'd like to ask him if he's seen any good movies lately. 

I'm imagining him staring at me coldly and saying "Gene sucks". Then he digs into his potatoes. 
My parents & son-in-law. 
 @3fe52772 wow nobody is saying Jesus,but I'll definitely hang out with Jesus of Nazareth because how interesting would that be 
 @3fe52772 My mom. To apologize for being emotionally unavailable during the 5 years she suffered through cancer, and to thank her for making me the man I (finally) became. 
 @3fe52772 Possibly my younger self. 🤔
While his choices and experiences influenced my journey and therefore are part of me, that version of me no longer exists and memory of my thought process at the time are vague at best.

I'd be interested in finding out what the actual fuck? 
 @3fe52772 Leonard Cohen. 

Augusta Ada King, Countess of Lovelace.

I have some questions about algorithms used by the first computer programmer. 

Famous Person: Carl Sagan, because he taught me everything I know about critical thinking. And I'd love to know his thoughts on this rotten century. 

Personal: my best friend that died in December, because I'd like to tell him about the person I'm becoming that I never allowed him to know.